Nig has the highest no. of displaced youths especially in decision making, leadership —Ogon

Nig has the highest no. of displaced youths especially in decision making, leadership —Ogon

13 August 2017 
Happy International Youth Day 
Welcome to the 2017 United Nations (UN) International Youth Day (IYD) themed: “YOUTH BUILDING PEACE”. 
In 1998 a resolution proclaiming August 12 as International Youth Day was adopted during the World Conference of Ministers Responsible for Youth. That recommendation was later endorsed by the UN General Assembly in 1999.
International Youth Day was first observed in 2000, dedicated to celebrating young people’s contributions to conflict prevention and transformation as well as inclusion, social justice, and sustainable peace. The theme of the 2017 IYD is Youth  Building Peace; drawiour attention to the fact that we all are Partners of PEACE. 
Until recently, Nigeria habours the highest number of DISPLACED Youths especially in decision making processes, leadership and governance. This has resulted to lack of inclusion which is largely as a result of our sense of “entitlement” rather than taking responsibility for ourselves and communities by becoming actively involved in making positive contributions to our communities. 
No youth can find their place in today's world if s/he does not discover their purpose on earth. It is not a enough that the Nigerian Government has recently passed the “Not Too Young to Run” Bill thereby giving them the platform for inclusion. It begs the question; Are you responsible enough to run? Do you know what it takes to run? Now that you have the platform, what office do you want to run?
It takes youths who have found their place in today's world to take responsibility for their country and prepare themselves to run.
It is our responsibility as youths to first find out how useful we can be to ourselves and the society at large else others will use us wrongly. Until we come to terms with understanding the purpose for which we exist, we will continually  be excluded from the political, economic and social processes and  the present day leaders will continue to use us as instruments of violence and  remain DISPLACED. According to the UN report, When youths are excluded from political, economic and social spheres and processes, it can be a risk factor for violence and violent forms of conflict.
Therefore, identifying and addressing the social exclusion of young people is a precondition for sustaining peace. 
The government has done well to Identify our social exclusion today and beyond that given us a platform for inclusion. 
It's time to arise and find our place through passion.   Passion, like purpose is instrumental in navigating our way through finding our place in today's world. We need to imbibe a “beyond- the- self” mindset in order to fulfill our purpose especially through service to others as this can build our capacity for purpose that endures into later life.
According to Prof. William D., “research shows that while young people can sometimes struggle with a sense of purpose, they are likely to find it in concrete and action-oriented goals”. 
Furthermore, we must come to the place of realization that there is a need in the world that calls for action.
Ultimately, finding your place as a youth in  today's world  means that you can use all that fire and passion in you  into doing something amazing, “BUILDING PEACE” to make the world a better place instead of being used as an instrument of violence.
– Comfort ONYAGA Ogon 
Founder & Executive Director 
CLICE Foundation
12 August 2017