Ngarabe celebrates an iconic & prolific writer, advocate of social justice, Mr Kelvin Ezor at 32

Ngarabe celebrates an iconic & prolific writer, advocate of social justice, Mr Kelvin Ezor at 32

9 July 2017 
Some School of thoughts sees leaders as ‘being born’ while others sees leaders as ‘being made’ especially coming from the background of Rene Descartes and John Locke. Whichever side or school of thoughts you belong to or supports, when it comes to leadership Mr kelvin Ezor is a man of many parts. He’s both a ‘Born Leader’ and a ‘Made Leader’ haven been born to a father who sees community problem as his own personal problem. Kelvin has grown to a more conscious man whose “delight in making people happy is non-negotiable; he was born to make everyone around him feel happy and treat everyone equal. 
According to the words of Max DePree, “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant” and that of John Maxwell that “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.  These words have been the guiding principles of Mr Kelvin Ezor through the establishment of ‘Ngarabe City’ to serve as an information hub where everything Ngarabe Development is nurtured and expressed. 
As Margaret Mead would say “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has positioned Ngarabe community for greatness and that has come to be the envy of other communities. 
The Ngarabe City vision through Kelvin’s leadership has projected the image of the community in many many positive fronts like never before. For this, we are very proud of him who has brought to bear his political and analytical skills haven graduated from the department of Political Science of the Ebonyi State University in 2011, and a proud member of the Nigerian Institute of Management has enter the media sector like a colossus, an iconic and prolific writer, and a commentator on top national issues and has served as a freelancer to many individuals and corporate bodies. 
As a member of the media team to the Director General of Cross River State Primary Health Care Development Agency, Kelvin has demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt that he can be trusted in more challenging responsibilities.   
Having been born on the 6th of July 1985, we at Ngarabe City are happy to associates with him as our Admin Chief and would like to felicitate with him as he turns 32 today.  He has exhibited uncommon wisdom, remarkable vision, and exemplary leadership as he remains an inspiration to both the young and the old in the community. Thank you for having such a positive impact on your people. Be rest assured that this is just the beginning. As you continue in the merriment of your born day, we join others in wishing you a very happy and prosperous birthday. Happy Birthday Great Comrade!
Igboke Stanley P. 
Writes from Calabar