NEWS : U.S Likely To Sanction Patience Jonathan, Orubebe, And Others Over Election Incitement, Rigging etc

NEWS : U.S Likely To Sanction Patience Jonathan, Orubebe, And Others Over Election Incitement, Rigging etc
NEWS : U.S Likely To Sanction Patience Jonathan, Orubebe, And Others Over Election Incitement, Rigging etc
By Nelson Amaobi Osuala
22.04.2015, 08:54pm
I am of the opinion that, it is only in Nigeria that a ‘ghost’ will come and vote and His vote would still count. 
I said this to say that although the Electoral processes and proceedings in Nigeria have since improved as prior to this time there have been gross Electoral malpractices which is characteristic of the political climate of our dear country, Nigeria, the acclaimed ‘Giant of Africa’.
Nonetheless , the achievement of this administration is worthy of mention as our Nation is now at a pole position to championing a free and fair Election, courtesy of the GEJ  Administration . This is not to say that we are there yet, as it would mean ‘telling lies to oneself’ . 
Without much ado, the rod seems to have fallen on the High and Mighty as the likes of the First Lady, Dame Patience Jonathan with a hand full of others are now been indicted for what seems like a pre-election Rigging and the consequent violence that ensues as a result of the former.
In the words of Ms. Thomas – Greenfield, ” Anyone found to have incited violence or interferred with Electoral processes will be unwelcome in the United States and subject to Visa sanctions”. Premised upon the above statement, it appears that the first lady’s visa to the UNITED STATES will be withdrawn or maybe restricted with inclusion of those of Orubebe and others.