NEWS: "Stop The Embarrassment Of Innocent Civilians". IG Tells Police Officers.

By Nelson Amaobi Osuala
Thur 06012016, Time 09:25am.

At last, the inspector general of police, Solomon Arase has responded to the ill mannered attitude of policemen towards her fellow civilians on major checkpoints as it regards the former's illegal action of accessing the mobile phones of innocent civilians all in the guise to track down as well as clamp down on criminals.

According to information from our source, Negroidhaven gathered that the General ( Solomon Arase) dismissed this argument by the policemen as fallacious and lacking sufficient premise.

Silverbird news corroborated the story and informed that the inspector general as a follow up to this release did issue out a circular banning police officers from illegally accessing the mobile phones and other electronic gadgets of civilians.

According to one Abayomi Shogunle, the officer in charge of the Complaint Response Unit(CRU) of the Nigerian police, the Ban was a resultant consequence of the illegal roadblocks which were mounted by men in the uniform during the yuletide seasons few days ago, in which, personal cum private belongings of innocent civilians were carelessly ransacked by the so called police officers.

With this kind of thing happening, one can only wonder whether such men in uniform actually understand the law to which they allege they are upholding.

Isn't their action an infringement on the fundamental rights to privacy of the innocent civilians?

Come to think of it, when on earth will these men in uniform learn from their counterparts in the western world, were all things are done in the interest of the citizenry.

Thank the heavens that the inspector general, is to my mind an enlightened leader, who seeks the comfort and betterment of the people to which he has sworn to protect.

This ban of illegal roadblocks and indiscriminate search is in my opinion a development in the right direction.

If there would be need for such search, I think that should be monitored technologically through the use of CCTV cameras  and other suffisticated electronic gadgets and sensors like those employed in other developed countries.

The Nigerian Government have no excuse . For once, let them live up to expectation and do the right thing, so we can experience the change we have been clamouring for… Just as that change would be no doubt, but in the right direction.

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