New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents

New Zealand resource aims to connect prospective international students with qualified agents

Faced with an ever-more complex international student recruiting environment, many educational institutions are becoming more strategic and selective when working with education agents. The best agents act as true representatives of an institution. They convey accurate and helpful information to students and parents, assist students in choosing the right programme for their interests and academic background, and work to send only best-fit students to the institutions they partner with.

Several best practice guides exist to help institutions:

  • Distinguish between high-performing, ethical agents and agents who operate less scrupulously;
  • Create good contracts clearly outlining both parties’ responsibilities and obligations;
  • Learn how to partner most productively with agents (e.g., respect, communications, a sense of mutual benefit).

But there is less out there in terms of guiding students and parents to choose good agents. This is a crucial gap into which has arrived a new digital resource from Education New Zealand. The resource is intended to help prospective international students and their parents to choose a qualified agent who can assist them in finding the right study abroad experience in New Zealand. It also includes information for students applying to every level and type of school in New Zealand, from K-12 to higher education, vocational education and private training providers, and English language schools.

The resource provides a checklist for students and parents to consult when deciding whether an agent is (a), reputable, and (b) suited for their intentions.

You can review it now on the Study With New Zealand website.

For additional background, please see:

Source: ICEF Monitor