New York attorney general sued for ‘targeting’ pro-life pregnancy centers

“How does it even remotely make sense to trust women with their medical decisions if you are actively trying to hide scientifically-based information from them?” he continued. “It makes no sense, nor is it legal.”

The abortion pill is a two-step procedure in which a pregnant woman first ingests the drug mifepristone, which cuts off the unborn baby’s supply of the hormone progesterone, leading to the baby’s death.

The woman then takes a second drug, misoprostol, which causes the uterus to contract, eventually expelling the baby’s body.

Abortion pill reversal works by administering progesterone in high doses after a woman has ingested mifepristone; the hormone is meant to counteract the effects of the abortive drug. Several surveys have found evidence that the drug can be effective at halting a medicated abortion.

“Many women regret their abortions, and some seek to stop the effects of chemical abortion drugs before taking the second drug in the abortion drug process,” ADF legal counsel Gabriella McIntyre said in the press release. “Taking supplemental progesterone at that time can often save their baby’s life.”

“The New York attorney general, however, is doing everything she can to deny women the freedom to make that choice,” McIntyre continued in her statement. “Women should have the option to reconsider going through with an abortion, and the pro-life pregnancy centers we represent in this case truthfully inform them about that choice.”
