New videos of uncovering of St. Olga of Alaska’s relics, donate to build church in her honor (+VIDEOS)

New videos of uncovering of St. Olga of Alaska’s relics, donate to build church in her honor (+VIDEOS)

Sitka, Alaska, January 27, 2025

Photo: YouTube     

The relics of St. Olga (Arrsamquq) of Alaska were solemnly uncovered in Kwethluk, Alaska, on Saturday New videos of uncovering of St. Olga of Alaska’s relics, donate to build church in her honor (+VIDEOS)Relics of St. Olga of Alaska solemnly uncovered (+VIDEO)Today is a historic day for the Yup’ik nation, the Alaskan people and every Orthodox Christian throughout the world.

“>November 16. The joyous event followed the New videos of uncovering of St. Olga of Alaska’s relics, donate to build church in her honor (+VIDEOS)OCA Synod glorifies Matushka Olga of Alaska among the saintsMatushka Olga (†1979) has long been venerated in Alaska, throughout America, and abroad. She is remembered as a humble mother, midwife, and priest’s wife who was filled with love for everybody, and especially abused women.”>November 2023 decision of the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America to canonize Matushka Olga, and comes in preparation of her liturgical glorification, planned for New videos of uncovering of St. Olga of Alaska’s relics, donate to build church in her honor (+VIDEOS)Alaska Diocese updates on St. Olga: Glorification in June 2025, first draft of service already composedIn preparation for her upcoming glorification, the Canonization Commission of the OCA has issued an appeal for stories of the miraculous intercession of St. Olga.”>June 2025.

Over the past week, the Orthodox Church in America’s Diocese has published several videos from and about the uncovering of St. Olga’s relics. The first includes scenes from the uncovering itself:

The diocese also published a video of His Grace Bishop Alexei of Sitka’s homily from the Vigil following the uncovering:

And a later reflection on the blessed event:

A new church dedicated to St. Olga is also being built in the village of Kwethluk, where she was buried. The Diocese of Alaska writes:

We have just begun this project and we wanted to share the first opportunity to support this project with each of you. While plans are still in the making, it’s our prayer that in addition to a beautiful temple built in honor of Saint Olga and to the Glory of our God, that we also consider constructing pilgrim quarters and a cultural center dedicated to the education and growth of the Yupik way of life and language.

With God’s blessing, the people of Kwethluk have already secured the land for this project and now we are just in need of talent and monetary support to express our gratitude to the Saint who has been such a comfort for people, not only in Alaska, but throughout the world.

Donations to the church project or any other diocesan initiative can be offered at

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Source: Orthodox Christianity