New Street Fighter 6 tier list features 3 DLC characters in top 5 but Terry is definitely not one of them from Lexx

New Street Fighter 6 tier list features 3 DLC characters in top 5 but Terry is definitely not one of them from Lexx

Terry Bogard has been out in the hands of Street Fighter 6 players for almost a month now, but the SNK representative doesn’t appear to be getting off to the same blazing start the previous DLC characters saw.

Another SF6 pro in C9|Lexx recently just dropped his new tier list for the game that includes Terry though it doesn’t feature him very high on the ranks.

The competitor who most recently finished in the top 8 for Ultimate Fighting Arena 2024 and top 16 for East Coast Throwdown 2024 has a solidified top 5 characters in the game currently.

There are 3 DLC characters among them with M. Bison, Ed and Rashid plus the only fighter who has two entrants confirmed for Capcom Cup 11 so far, Zangief.

Akuma and A.K.I. are just below them in A tier though as to why the demon isn’t among the peak fighters, Lexx says Akuma can be inconsistent in first-to-two settings because of his low health when powerhouses like Bison and Gief can wipe it all out in seconds.

It also seems Lexx rates his own main quite highly as well with Guile being among the A tier stars.

Like most of the rankings we’ve been seeing recently, however, Terry is not anywhere up there.

Instead, Mr. Bogard is sitting at the bottom of C tier, which would also have the latest DLC in the bottom 5 if these rows are ordered.

This isn’t as low as some Japanese pros like VARREL|Mago and Saishunkan|Nemo have placed Terry in their own tier lists, but also seemingly not as high as Phenom’s rankings.

With a big chance for players to prove Terry’s potential this weekend at the Capcom Pro Tour 2024 Super Premier Singapore event, that didn’t really pan out considering the farthest anyone took him was 97th place.

Meanwhile, there’s multiple of each Rashid, Bison, Ed and Akuma in the top 16 of the tournament.

Despite Terry’s ability to convert and rack up damage if given a chance, it seems his lack of great heavy attacks and ways to get in consistently without the potential for some big risk is still holding him back in the competitive meta of SF6 currently.

You can check out Lexx’s full tier list below.

Lexx's Street Fighter 6 tier list image #1

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