World leaders today has become looters, hijackers, smugglers, embezzlers, stealers, cheaters, etc. Where their intents in a position is to get themselves richer and their families. But it ought not to be so. Well, what’s the world and the anti-corruption doing about it? that’s why they’d brought this barometric index to cast on those countries still in the ledger.
Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, a closely watched global barometer has ranked many countries whether big or small in retrospect to fight or adopt corruption. This acclimatization has really pulled a trigger and has challenged countries from across Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas irrespective of their power and economy.
The index is based on expert opinions of public sector corruption, looking at a range of factors like whether governmental leaders are held to account or go unpunished for corruption, the perceived prevalence of bribery, and whether public institutions respond to citizens’ needs.
Countries like the US and UK has rose one and three spots with scores of 76th and 81th place respectively. While counties like Germany and Luxembourg remain the same. Brazil, in the midst of a massive corruption scandal at the state-owned oil company Petrobras, posted the biggest decline, falling 5 points to a score of 38 and dropping 7 positions to 76th place. Transparency noted that in places like Guatemala, Sri Lanka and Ghana, citizen activists have “worked hard to drive out the corrupt.”
But where is Nigeria? It cannot even be ranked because the heavy corruption amidst the country is worst than any other in the world, may the last.