New pro player Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns tier list places Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot

New pro player Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns tier list places Cyrax, Sektor, and Noob Saibot

The brand new Khaos Reigns update for Mortal Kombat 1 has been out for over a week now, and with the introduction of three new characters along with balance tweaks for much of hte existing roster, tiers have had a good chance to shake up.

Pro player Tweedy has explored the update and come out with an early new tier list on which he orders the entire 32-character cast, including newcomers Cyrax, Sekor, and Noob Saibot, from best to worst.

Tweedy uses five tiers to separate the combatants, placing 7 in S tier, 9 in S- tier, 5 in A+, 6 in A-, and the bottom 5 in B. When it comes to the fresh faces, it seems they’re quite capable as all three make it into one of the top two ranks.

The strongest of the three, according to Tweedy, is currently Cyrax. Cyrax enjoys some of the best offense in the game with extremely strong, non-Kameo dependent set play. The content creator places her around sixth overall right now, noting her to be “pretty broke.”

Sektor boasts incredible damage while being somewhat slippery when it comes to punishes. Tweedy has a lot of faith in her, but notes some weaknesses in her buttons and strings that ultimately keep her just outside of the top 10.

Noob is the weakest of the new DLC class, but still makes it into S- tier in this early take. Noob’s neutral isn’t the best, nor are his mix ups, but his damage output makes him a legitimate contender still. Tweedy places him 16th at the bottom of S-, but is careful to note that the character could easily rise from this place in time.

You can view the final product simply by clicking the thumbnail here, but if you want to hear the explanations behind each and every placement, Tweedy’s full video is embedded for your viewing convenience.

Tweedy Khaos Reigns Tiers image #1

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