New ‘movie-inspired Smoke’ costume in Mortal Kombat 1 drops Friday, and it’s free

New 'movie-inspired Smoke' costume in Mortal Kombat 1 drops Friday, and it's free

NetherRealm Studios is offering Mortal Kombat 1 faithfuls yet another free skin this week as Ed Boon announced on X that “95′ movie-inspired Smoke” will be dropping Friday.

This is the sixth free alternate costume that’s been released since June and we have a few screenshots of it that you can check out below.

Smoke was not in the 1995 Paul WS Anderson Mortal Kombat film as the only ninjas that appeared were Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Reptile. Costumes for all three of these were relatively simple in that they don’t have any of the extra stylized designs or accessories MK ninjas in more recent games tend to have.

Instead these costumes consisted of a black body suit covered with a single, covered top layer. While not all that elaborate, this was faithful to the original designs we knew from the first two games and absolutely got the job done.

NetherRealm has designed one of these getups for Smoke as he dons a grey version. They did give him a unique face mask (movie Reptile had an interesting fanged mouth design in his) as he retains his appropriately-themed gas mask.

You can check out a few screen shots of 95′ movie-inspired Smoke via the gallery below. He’ll be available at some point on Friday and we’d love to hear your thoughts on the look in the comments below.

Smoke Movie Skin image #1

Smoke Movie Skin image #2

Smoke Movie Skin image #3

Click images for larger versions

If you haven’t already seen it be sure to check out last week’s free costume: Johnny Cage “Infiltrator”.
