New Mortal Kombat 1 tier list from Tweedy offers bold take on the game’s newest character

New Mortal Kombat 1 tier list from Tweedy offers bold take on the game's newest character

The main roster for Mortal Kombat 1 grew just recently as the many souls that make up Ermac joined the fray in mid April, and pro player Tweedy
has come up with a new tier list that includes the latest DLC character.

Tweedy’s list spreads the game’s 27 main characters across four tier levels and is detailed down to the individual, left to right placements. He does not include the Kameo characters on this list, thought does consider the potential of each fighter given their best Kameo match ups.

The top tier includes seven characters, high tier includes eight, mid tier contains nine, and the bottom three are left in low tier. It’s worth mentioning that Tweedy does have a “poop” tier that he doesn’t wind up putting anyone in, denoting that he feels like there aren’t any characters that fall too far below the rest of the pack.

When it comes to Ermac, the pro player has a lot of faith as he notes the character’s strong and disjointed button pressure. High damage conversions and a competent means of dealing with projectiles propel Ermac up to the top 5 of Tweedy’s tiers.

If you want the final product first you can view the completed tier list simply by clicking the thumbnail here, but you’ll want to hear Tweedy’s explanations for each and every one of his picks, which await you in the video below.

Tweedy MK1 Tiers image #1

Click images for larger versions

Do you agree with Tweedy’s placements? Are you feeling like Ermac is quite this good here in his early days, or would you rank him lower? Feel free to share any and all opinions in the comments below.
