Street Fighter 6 just received a fresh update that added brand new balance changes for everyone on the playable roster, among other things. While there was a long list of changes to read over, it seems that Capcom also added something to the game that wasn’t listed anywhere publicly (that we could find after some digging).
Players who have jumped into ranked matches after the update have received a new message when a match disconnects prematurely that appears to warn against it. This new notification promises to restrict matchmaking should too many disconnects happen in short order, and that’s actually a bit concerning.
Capcom appears to be taking further measures to try and punish those who disconnect from ranked matches early, or in layman’s terms, those who rage quit. What’s interesting, though, is that this message appears to be showing up on both sides for the rage quitter and for the person who was quit on, and the messaging remains the same for both.
This seems to imply that you might also get punished if too many people rage quit on you within a short period of time.
“A problem has occurred during the match,” the new message reads. “Matchmaking will be restricted if too many errors are detected in a short period of time.
“Please wait and then try again later. If the problem continues to occur, please check your network connection,” the notification concludes.
Here is a screenshot of this new message that was shared by Boltstrike on Twitter.
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Punishing those who don’t play by the rules has been an ever evolving process for Capcom as they have already added various measures to Street Fighter 6 to help victims of rage quitters. Back in December of last year, the company put into place a new feature that informs of you of the disconnect happening and clearly showcases your opponent’s name and details.
With this screen, you are able to quickly click through to their profile and add them to your block list, which is a very nice thing to have. But now it looks like Capcom is attempting another new feature that aims to deal with rage quitters.
What’s even more interesting is that this new notification in online bouts being added to the game does not appear to have been mentioned anywhere outright (as far as we can tell). There is nothing about it in the main patch notes we reported on previously, nor in the general game change notes Capcom posted on the Buckler’s Boot Camp website.
On the Buckler’s site, though, we do see something noted about the CFN:
Re-arranged options when reporting other players, and you can now freely enter text when reporting them for miscellaneous behavior. A special icon is displayed on accounts that have restrictions on their online play.
This icon looks like a small globe with a red X through it, which as Capcom explains, is meant to help you identify those who have restrictions on their CFN accounts (i.e. rage quitters). It also says that you can now add text to your report to let Capcom know exactly how the offender was breaking the rules.
While the new indicator and ways of reporting players sound promising, the aforementioned new warning message really seems as though it’s leaning toward punishing both parties for one person’s bad behavior.
Players on social media who have experienced it themselves already and are seeing others report it are also sharing a lot of concern that they might end up getting unjust restrictions for their opponent’s unsportsmanlike conduct, and we really hope that that isn’t what ends up happening.