Nephew manages to activate Shin Bison during ranked matches in Street Fighter 6

Nephew manages to activate Shin Bison during ranked matches in Street Fighter 6

Giant Attack has returned to Street Fighter 6 with a fight against SiRN Bison, who effectively behaves as Shin Bison in terms of gameplay. This extra difficult fight will be available for players to participate in up until December 16.

However, the method to actually unlock Shin Bison in a match has been patched into the game forever. Though players have apparently tried to explore practical methods of unlocking Shin Bison, it really is just a case of praying that the opponent allows you to do it.

The only way to gain access to Shin Bison is to use hit the opposing character with the Backfist Combo. Following this, the M. Bison user must then fully complete the Easter egg taunt animation that has him counting down the Psycho Mine’s automatic explosion without interruption.

In a recent video upload, Nephew first tries to exploit Street Fighter 6’s AI by defeating SiRN Bison enough times to unlock some special colors in Giant Attack. During the second half of the video, Nephew actually attempts to activate Shin Bison in ranked matches.

Funnily enough, Nephew is actually able to find a few opponents that are “cool” enough to allow him to access to Shin Bison. There’s no real strategy to this as it entirely depends on whether the opponent allows it or not.

In terms of Shin Bison’s gameplay, Nephew is able to demonstrate quite convincingly why M. Bison isn’t normally allowed to use his teleport or meterless reversal. Since Shin Bison’s teleport is so fast, players are able to use runaway tactics for long portions of the match without any real counterplay.

Additionally, Nephew decides to liberally use the meterless reversal to blow up the opponent’s offense. It’s amusing to even see it getting used in neutral considering how less risky it is to use than a typical dragon punch special.

Check it all out in the video below:
