Nemo releases his Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. match up chart

Nemo releases his Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. match up chart

WRZT|Nemo is one of the top ranked Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. players in the world. At the time of writing this, he is the #3 ranked A.K.I. overall with nearly 94,000 League Points.

Earlier this week, we saw Nemo’s full Street Fighter 6 tier list that not only rated A.K.I. for the first time since her launch, but also surprisingly placed her as one of the bottom two characters in the game. Now, Nemo released an A.K.I. match up chart that further explains why he initially placed her so low on his tier list.

Nemo dropped a few notes about his A.K.I. match up chart that we have deciphered through Google Translate. Essentially, he says that he feels the newcomer struggles against a character like Lily due to her ability to charge forward with her wind buffed Condor Spire.

He also notes that A.K.I. struggles against characters like Ken and Luke, who have strong normal attacks and fast rush down. In addition to this, Guile also gives A.K.I. trouble thanks to his strong fireball game.

From the looks and sound of it, Nemo feels A.K.I. loses quite a lot to most of the cast. On his match up chart, we see that he feels she has mostly disadvantaged match ups, with only two being either even or favorable for her.

Out of the full roster, Nemo feels that A.K.I. only wins against Dhalsim. Having played that match up myself, I imagine he feels this way because A.K.I. can slide in and close the gap very quickly whenever he goes airborne and tries to set up fireball pressure.

Moving down the list, Nemo has A.K.I. going 5-5 against Jamie. The drunken boxing-style fighter is often considered to be the worst in the entire game, so seeing that she is even against him is certainly interesting.

A lot of fans have been complaining about JP’s strength since shortly after the game launched, and in A.K.I.’s gameplay trailer Capcom used JP as the opponent to show how well A.K.I. can maneuver around his zoning — which lead folks to believe that she might be strong against the top tier character. Nemo doesn’t quite agree as he places the match up at 5.5 – 4.5 in JP’s favor.

The rest of the match ups see A.K.I. losing at least 4-6, with six whole match ups being 2-8 in the other character’s favor — according to Nemo. That’s a pretty extreme take as 8-2 match ups aren’t very common and typically mean the match up is EXTREMELY bad and almost unwinnable.

You can check out Nemo’s full Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. match up chart below.

Nemo's Street Fighter 6 A.K.I. match up chart image #1

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