Just yesterday, 00|Phenom had a mini interview with RB|Gachikun, posing a question regarding Gachikun’s top 5 characters in Street Fighter 6. Everything went according to plan as Gachikun declared that Ken was around sixth, seventh, or eighth on his tier list.
Earlier today, Phenom released another clip in which he conversed with Saishunkan|Nemo about his top 5 characters in Street Fighter 6. Things started off well, but it seems that the topic of Ken was brought up a little earlier than expected.
“Nemo, who are your top 5?” asked Phenom in the beginning of the clip.
“Number 1: JP,” responded Nemo. This is quite a statement considering that Nemo himself is a JP main in Street Fighter 6.
“Number 2: Luke,” continued Nemo. “Number 3: Guile. Number 4: Chun-Li.”
Just like with Rohto|Tokido’s list, Nemo listed Ken as being the fifth best character in Street Fighter 6, though it should be noted that Tokido never explicitly stated that his list was ordered. It would seem that Nemo was aware of the clips that Phenom had been releasing as he put some extra emphasis on Ken being revealed within the top 5, just like how Tokido did.
“No!” exclaimed Phenom with a smiling face. Phenom was clearly having some fun going along with some of the memes that have surfaced regarding the debate about Ken in Street Fighter 6.
From here, Phenom proceeded to ask Nemo why he placed Ken in the fifth position on the tier list. Needless to say, Nemo had a hilarious response for this question.
“What!?” exclaimed Nemo. “Rush. Rush. Rush. Rush. Rush. Throw. Throw. Throw. Throw. Throw. Always. Always. Always.”
Of course, it’s fair to mention that Nemo’s position of rank five for Ken is still lower than a lot of other tier lists out there. Numerous competitors from North America have been saying that Ken was top 3 or even top 1 in Street Fighter 6.
Regardless, this ended up being a funny clip. Check it all out below:
Nemo, the fighting game legend, gives us his top 5 strongest characters in Street Fighter 6 pic.twitter.com/kuSnwwqTn2
— Arman Hanjani (@PhenomSF) January 14, 2024