Neat visualized motion charts show how the amount of Master-ranked characters has changed in Street Fighter 6 since release

And just how many dang Kens there are

Neat visualized motion charts show how the amount of Master-ranked characters has changed in Street Fighter 6 since release

Master rank is basically the highest achievement that most Street Fighter 6 players can strive to achieve realistically, but many would say that’s where the true game begins.

AlietteFaye recently put together a fascinating motion chart that visualizes the amount of characters in Master rank and how that’s changed every week since launch.

Starting all the way back in June for week one, JP and Ken were already far and away ahead of the rest of the pack although interestingly, E. Honda, Manon and Luke rounded out the top five at that time.

By week four, however, Manon and Honda’s numbers would slow down significantly while Cammy and Dee Jay took their spots with Marisa also racing up the charts.

It’s cool to see Rashid pop in at week eight where he quickly overtakes Dhalsim and Lily with around 1,000 Master players after those first seven days though he seems to slow down after reaching around 3,000.

The same goes for A.K.I., who actually gets ahead of Rashid by the end of the visualization though they’re still both technically in the bottom five.

By the time we reached the end at week 21, it’s pretty staggering to see just how many Kens there are compared to the rest of the cast.

We can’t see the exact data, but while Ken appears to have over 11,000 Master players, Luke is second down around 7,000 followed by Cammy, JP and interestingly, Ryu.

This chart shows us a nice look at the trends of SF6’s early life where characters like Manon and Honda were viewed as immediate issues for online users, but now, they’re more in the middle of the pack.

Shout outs to AlietteFaye for keeping track of all of this data and putting it together in an easily digestible way, and if you missed it before, they also recently released a bunch of other charts tracking overall player distribution across all ranks.
