National pizza chain has closed more than a dozen restaurants

National pizza chain has closed more than a dozen restaurants

Pizza Hut has abruptly closed 15 locations in Indiana and a few more locations around Central Ohio.

According to reports from Nations Restaurant News and The Times of Northwest Indiana, the locations were owned by EYM Group. Founded in 2008, EYM Group is a multi-brand franchisee company of Denny’s, Pizza Hut, KFC, and Panera Bread.

The restaurant group, which franchises 142 Pizza Hut locations across Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, South Carolina, and Wisconsin, filed a lawsuit against Pizza Hut in March, alleging a breach of contract. Pizza Hut filed its own lawsuit against EYM earlier this month, also alleging breach of contract. According to Nations Restaurant News, court documents show that the franchisee defaulted on payments to the franchisor, including $3 million owed in late 2022 and $2.6 million owed in 2023.

In a statement, Pizza Hut said, “While some local franchisee-operated restaurants have temporarily closed, Pizza Hut remains committed to providing outstanding service and products to our valued customers. The company is working to transition these locations and expects many of them will reopen soon.”

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