My Reflection and the Testimony of my Resurrection with Christ —Joseph Odok

My Reflection and the Testimony of my Resurrection with Christ —Joseph Odok

1 April 2018 
It's been 40 days journey with Jesus and my God given wife was a source of strength in the journey and participation with Jesus in his shameful Journey on Cross. The cumulation of the journey is the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his suffering and death on the Cross. 
The devil entered some members of Christ inner circle and the Jews and Pharisee plotted the execution of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. Peter was  seen denying Christ after promising to be firm with Jesus wherever he goes, he denied Christ even before a slave. Judas Iscariot went to the Chief Priest and elders to demand for 30 pieces of silver to betray Christ. The betrayal was through a kiss, most of our betrayals is done by our most trusted companions often through false show of friendship. 
The Chief priests and elders were ready to part with some money to perfect the scheme, they conspired with some people like Judas. Giving them peanuts to enrich their pockets increased their gullibility and forced them to conspire to betray. 
An option presented itself for Jesus to be freed but because the devil has entered some people; because of selfish interest;  because of ego and pride; a preference was made for Barabas a criminal to be freed and the Prince of Peace and Lord of Justice was rather handed over to be killed. When the devil enters into man, goodness is sacrificed for evil. 
After the crucifixion, there was celebration, evil men gathered to feast, in their mind they have achieved their evil plans, Jesus is finished and buried, they presumed that they are conquerors. In abandonment Jesus Christ cried out “my God, my God, why have you forsaken me.  
The Apostles are left in fears, they were haunted and remained in hiding, they have no account or any saving with them, Judas their treasurer has killed himself and gone with all their savings because he was the treasurer and sole signatory to their account and life's savings. The Disciples are so ashamed, they have lost all, all have turned against them, they have become an endangered specie that must deny Christ if they must continue to survive. Following the good course of life have become so dangerous, because those on the part of evil are handsomely rewarded.
In the tomb Mary and the other women have gone to anoint a dead body, in frustration, the women  could only clinch on is the dead Body of Christ. Even access to the lifeless body of Christ poses difficulty because the women are concerned about who will roll the stone away. They approached the tomb and the Angels have rolled the stone away, Jesus Christ whom they have given up on is alive, he has defeated death, he has defiled the calculations of the ordinary man, he has risen Hallelujah. 
My recent experience is exactly like that of Christ. The devil entered some powerful men, they began by suspending me from University of Calabar for no reason, when it failed, they lied to the police that I  was acquiring arms and ammunition and inciting the public against the University of Calabar, my house was searched and my innocence proven but they conspired with the police to keep me in police custody just for no offense. They bragged about their powers, Just like Judas they paid some agents and mostly my friends to lie about me, the greatest betrayals came from my inner friends. 
After intimidation through the Cross River State police command, they expanded their clique of evil men and paid agents to assassinate me, they failed and still will not give up. They constantly held my salary to frustrate me. I was forced to leave Calabar with just the clothes I wore. They rejoiced I was done with, more people were employed to tell  lies against me, the cycle of lies were endless. 
Tampering on my finances and sending me on exile was not enough, they moved to suspend my PhD building one lie upon another lie. Their paid agents contradicted themselves over and over again. Efforts were made to intimidate some members of my department to compromise and make statements in support of the suspension my PhD. Rather than being intimidated, my department stood firm by me in defense  for the truth, two of those that stood by me were later removed from their position because God used them to defend the truth. I will continually celebrate these men of God that were removed from their portfolios in the University of Calabar because they stood to protect the integrity of the University in line with their consciences and commitment to God. 
Today their celebration and arrogance have ended. He that is in me has proven to be greater than them all. Like Jesus I have risen above their devilish plans. Hallelujah, I like Christ have risen above their evil plots. Like Job God only wanted to tempt me to shame the devil. Like Pharaoh God is continually hardening their heart to show me the extent of his love for me. Today marks my liberation, those who dare stand against my success story will continually be embarrassed despite how powerful they think they are. Because Christ is in me and I participate in his resurrection, they will continue to fail in their evil plot against me. I am too anointed to be touched. 
Joseph Odok 
Social Change Agent