"My Lord, He said God told Him not to Send our Daughter to School" Wife tells Jury.

"My Lord, He said God told Him not to Send our Daughter to School" Wife tells Jury.

Nelson A.Osuala [12 January 2017]

Credible information reaching our news desk avers that a presiding jury over a Customary Court in Ibadan, Oyo State had recently dissolved a 25 year-old marriage that suddenly went sour and hit the rock over a supposedly irrational claim by one Apostle Ayoku Israel, a man who told the court that God revealed to him that his daughter should not be educated!

This apparently brought a sharp contention and disagreement between him and his wife, Mary who brought the case before the Ile-Tuntun Customary Court in Ibadan on Thursday.

In her submission to the court, Mary said her husband had, for their 25 years of marriage, been insensitive to anything happening to her and he had refused to send their children to school.

In her words:

“My lord, I was sick for seven years, Ayoku neither bothered to know my whereabouts nor give me anything for treatment.

“Ayoku did not marry me legally; he did nothing to know my parents and even refused my bearing his name.

“Worst still, he had refused to give quality education to our first child, who is already 24 years old.

“Ayoku had always argued that the Lord revealed to him that the girl should not be educated but should engage in petty trading.

“I have been solely responsible for the education of the child that is in school.

“Instead, Ayoku keeps moving from one mountain to another for his so-called evangelism.

“Please my lord, give me custody of the two children for proper care,” Mary said.

However, Ayoku who agreed with the divorce; denied all the allegations levelled against him by his wife.

“I sent money to her through her elder sister when she was sick and I have been responsible for the children’s education.

“The two children are in court, they can testify to it,” Ayoku said.

After careful consideration, the Court reached a decision and hereby  dissolved the 25 year old marriage between Mary, a mother of two and her husband, Apostle Ayoku Israel.

The dissolution was based on insensitivity on the part of the Husband and an alleged irrational claim that God revealed to him not to have their daughter educated.

According to the president of the court, Mr Henric Agbaje, who held that it is no gainsaying the fact that there was obviously no more love between the couple, hence, the need for the dissolution'.

However, since the Court is known for fairness, the arbitrator therefore awarded the custody of the female child of the marriage to Mary for motherly care while Ayoku was asked to take charge of the 16 year-old male child.

NHB garnered that the couple after the Court injunction, parted ways as Mary now resides at Amunloko area while her husband, Ayoku lives at Olunloyo area of Ibadan.

Source: Vanguard

Nelson A.Osuala
Is a Blogger & the Associate Editor of Negroidhaven.org