My hubby was not my spec- lady says as she writes about her husband

My hubby was not my spec- lady says as she writes about her husband

A Nigerian lady has said that her husband wasn’t her spec when they first met and started dating, In a post shared on her X handle, Princess Janet said she remembers telling her sister that her husband who was her boyfriend then wasn’t handsome and ‘’was just there”. She said she remembers her sister asking her to send his picture over and when she did, her sister rebuked her and asked if ‘’village people ‘’ did not cover her eyes as the man she is seeing is a handsome man.


Princess in her post pointed out that her spec at the time was ‘’tall, dark man with pink lips” and that like everyone else, she had a spec but that everyone must learn to submit all their spec at the feet of Jesus and accept God’s will when they meet their partner.

‘’My hubby was not my spec.


I remember discussing with my sister after my hubby made his intention known that he wants to marry me.


I told my sister he wasn’t handsome, I said he was just there sha.


My sister said, send his picture let me see, I sent it and she was like are you sure village people haff not use chew gum to cover your eyes like this.

“How can you say this handsome man is not fine” she said.


Looking back, I don’t know if it is because Dark, tall and pink lip is my spec or village people actually tried to cover my eye with chew gum, for me not to see say na fine bobo.


The truth is we all have a spec.


Physical spec.

Spiritual spec.

Financial spec.

Educational spec.

Tribal spec.

Family background spec.

Denominational spec.


Add more spec that you can think of.


But irrespective of the spec you have in mind, it is important to always submit all spec at the feet of Christ and accept God’s will.


By the way, na me fine pass between both of us. If you say otherwise I will block you.”

My hubby was not my spec- lady says as she writes about her husband
My hubby was not my spec- lady says as she writes about her husband

