My Day Of Learning by Osuala Amaobi Nelson.

Life is so brief that the slightest
remembrance of this, Opens to us nothing but that curious enquiry into the
essence of life which we would search to discover but all to no avail.
A look into the mirror reveals your
image which if a critical search is done as to how `this self `is represented
in the self where it is reflected and from which it emanates would  thus reveal to us nothing but nothingness and
its futility.
Another look at the image represented
in one of your early day pictures…. Supplies nothing but the memories of your
yesterday… But still within the self there is a longing to grasp beyond the
memories. How you see yourself  now as
being the complete opposite of whom and what you were in the past.
Life is indeed futile as our search
all amounts to nothingness..A further inquiry into my yesterday leaves me with
a deep sense of sorrows and regret that if only I could see my today from
yesterday..then the errors I have made would never have emerged at all
because  already I had known that I would
live up to see today from yesterday.
Taking a more critical look at what
I have just asserted in the foregoing. It could be seen that if I was to see my
today from yesterday, I would as well have become as the gods and also the
immortal souls who live their today as though their tomorrow is already
This thus leads to a critical
questioning: is there actually anything like a future? It seems as though
everyday or each day is a tomorrow of yesterday.
If this be the case, I make bold to
say that the notion of a “future” or a “tomorrow”  is unrealistic as the only tomorrow there is
and which we have is but today or now.
So would I be right to counsel that
“we should  live our lives as though there
were no tomorrow” or that we should live our lives in the memory of today as
tomorrow is the today of yesterday and yesterdays’ tomorrow is the today which
we now have.
In all this, I wish to conclude
that there is no tomorrow as every tomorrow emerges, whenever today appears and
yesterday is only what we have and should lay hands on as tomorrow. I rest my