MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

The MultiVersus team has released patch notes for version 1.05 of the game, which is intended to be the big mid-season patch.

Earlier today, Agent Smith’s gameplay trailer was revealed. As it turns out, this patch will make it possible for players to eventually acquire Agent Smith, either for free upon fulfilling certain requirements or for a price at a later date.

Of course, every character currently in MultiVersus received some change or another. Ultimately, some characters are stronger while others have been toned down.

Bugs Bunny and Wonder Woman are examples of fighters that will feel a little weaker in this latest update. It’s not too surprising to see these two receiving nerfs considering how strong they’ve felt since the rerelease.

Meanwhile, combatants like Velma and Jake have really struggled to find their niche with how much the game has changed from the beta. As such, the developers have made it a point to help these sort of characters out.

It’s also worth noting that the developers have implemented a number of tweaks to the overall gameplay. For example, a couple of new systems are in place to help reduce the occurrence of infinite combos.

Check it all out below:

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• New Fighter: Agent Smith joins the Multiverse! If players complete enough tiers in the “Beat Rifts, Get Agent Smith Free!” event, they can begin playing with him as early as July 8! How’s that for breaking reality? Agent Smith will then be available for purchase on July 23.

• New Mode: Free-For-All game mode has been added to our Normal PvP Queues! Battle against up to 3 other players to become king of the Multiverse. First player to 4 ringouts is the winner! We’re experimenting with a different, more simplified ruleset for Free-For-All. Let us know how you like the mode!

• New Mode: Spectator mode is now available for custom games! Become the ultimate support teammate and cheer on your friends without entering the ring yourself. Lobbies can support up to 4 spectators per game.

• Post-game stats have returned! You can now see your total ringouts and damage dealt on the results screen after any PvP or PvE match.

• Battle Pass Tiers can now be purchased with Gleamium.

• Added a daily free item available to be collected in the Store.

• Fighter Select Portraits have been changed from 3D to 2D art renders for Fighters only. Variants will retain the 3D renders.

• Added an option to edit Perks in Custom Game mode.

• We’ve added the option to turn on/off both Outline Colors and Team Colors in PvP and PvE. These can be configured in the Settings menu.

• The Megalodog PvE Rift is NOW AVAILABLE!

• Future Rifts have been added and will unlock later in the season:

* “Age of Smith” Rift

* “Triple Threat” Rift

• “Rift Cauldrons” are now called “Rift Star Meters.” Star Meters can now be completed by collecting 72% of available stars in a Rift, down from 80%. Players who have already completed 72% of available stars can claim their rewards retroactively by completing a node in the relevant Rift.

• Daily Gem Rewards now appear on a Rift of each attunement each day.

• Added a new button to auto-equip gems before the match if currently equipped gems are mismatched.

• Added a new button to retry a Rift node when the Rift is completed in single-player mode.

• Added a new button to leave Rift matches when in single-player mode.

• Defeated Boss requirements have been lowered to unlock Matrix Code Superman, Matrix Code Bugs Bunny, and Matrix Code Jake variants.

• Area-Of-Effect attack damage has been reduced on higher difficulties

• Reflect damage has been reduced on higher difficulties

• Armature knockback reduced

• Badges now show stats on Account Cosmetics screen

• Account mastery, character mastery, and leaderboards now show progress for all matches in a set in the post-match match summary rather than just the last match

• Fixed an issue where incomplete matches would display as losses on the Career screen

• We are re-introducing some of the input preferences that were popular during our Open Beta. We hope this helps players feel more comfortable as they fine-tune their combat experience.

• Added this patch:

* Customizable input buffer timing

* Customizable control stick input deadzones (both left and right sticks)

* Swap side/neutral attack inputs for ground or air

* Toggleable option to use attack inputs to pick up items

* Fastfall method input settings (tap down or hold down)

* Customizable Neutral Dodge input binding

• Upon hitstun ending, fighters now incur a 6-frame lockout on the neutral dodge action. This will make it more difficult to parry attacks in the middle of a combo. Directional dodges are unaffected.

• Excessively long combo strings now apply a vacuum attack hitstun decay penalty. This should allow for players to more easily escape previously inescapable infinite team combos such as alternating Superman rapid jab combos.

• Attacks that incapacitate fighters now apply a temporary incapacitate-resistance buff to the incapacitated fighter. This will make subsequent incapacitate attacks have a much shorter duration. This should allow for players to more easily escape previously inescapable infinite incapacitate combos such as alternating Jake bite/spit. Affected attacks will be noted in individual character patch notes.

• Side attack combo input buffers have been standardized for all fighters. It should now be easier to buffer a different attack during a jab combo without accidentally inputting further attacks in the jab combo.

• Fixed an issue where fighters that took fire or shock damage on the same frame they were hit by an attack would cause the attack to be ignored.

• Fixed an issue where fighters could respawn without spawn invulnerability.

• Fixed an issue where all Team perks were always giving their stacked effect.

• Projectile shield now breaks after blocking one normal or heavy projectile

• The Court 2 variant has been added to the game!

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Dash Attack:

~ Updated knockback to hit more consistently near the ledge

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

* Fixed an issue where Arya would float into space while attempting to use face steal

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Air Neutral Attack:

+ On-hit branch window 5 frames earlier

• Air Side Attack:

– Damage reduced to 11 from 12

– On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

– Strength buff is now consumed after a successful attack to an enemy

• Ground Down Special:

+ On-hit branch window can be canceled 26 frames earlier

• Ground Side Special:
– On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Dash Attack:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

* Fixed an issue where Bat Bomb could be applied to two enemies simultaneously if hit on the same frame

• Air Down Special:

– Leg hurtbox size increased

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Up Attack:

– Lightning strike projectile now applies a 4-second cooldown

• Ground Down Attack:

+ Knockback increased to 2300 from 2200

– On-hit dodge branch window delayed 5 frames

• Air Up Attack:

– Final hit base knockback reduced to 1500 from 1750

– On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames

• Air Neutral Attack:

~ Visuals now better match hitbox size

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Bugs Bunny is living up to his identity as a strong mage a little bit too well right now. We’re hoping to reduce the time that his safe can remain on screen by making it a bit more fragile, and we’re looking to tone down some of the more toxic loops that come from his air neutral attack.

• Air Neutral Attack:

– Repeat-move lockout increased to 18 frames from 8 frames
– On-hit jump branch window delayed 4 frames
~ Attacking a safe will now only knock back the safe on the last hit of the attack. We’re keeping an eye on this change and may adjust in a hotfix if this makes neutral air attack + safe interactions too difficult

• Air Up Attack:

– Hitbox active duration reduced 2 frames

• Air/Ground Down Attack (Pie):

~ Pie projectile hurtbox size increased to match hitbox size. Should address issues with inconsistent projectile interactions.

• Air Down Attack (No Pie):

+ More aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up

• Air/Ground Neutral Special (Safe):

~ Enemy attacks only do one damage to the safe; armor break hits still immediately destroy the safe

– Safe health reduced to 3hp from 16hp

• Air/Ground Neutral Special (Cooldown):

– On-hit branch window delayed 5 frames

~ Knockback angle made more horizontal

• Air/Ground Up Special:

~ Lowered platform height of vertical rocket to address issues where platform collision would push enemies away from the hitbox

• Air/Ground Down Special:

* Addressed several issues with tunnels where fighters could be trapped indefinitely or teleported off-screen without ringing out. Bugs will now attempt to reverse direction if his destination tunnel is destroyed while he is traveling between tunnels

• “Lingering Love” Perk:

+ Now has a melee hitbox while projectile spawn is on cooldown

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Knockback scaling to 15.5 from 14

• Ground Up Attack:

+ Knockback scaling to 20.5 from 19.5

• Ground Down Attack:

* Fixed an issue where this attack was not breaking armor on both hits

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Air Side Attack 1:

– Now applies a repeat-move lockout after ground side attack 1; air lockout duration matches ground lockout duration of 16 frames

• Ground Side Attack 2 (Up):

– Hitstun reduced

+ Knockback increased to 1750 from 1650

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 5 frames

• Ground Down Attack:

+ On-hit branch window advanced 2 frames

• Air/Ground Down Special:

~ Placing the star will automatically adjust its position to prevent Garnet from ringing herself out on star dash

• “Marker” Perk:

~ Gauntlets no longer spawn a star if the gauntlets were destroyed from leaving the arena

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Gizmo’s balance has looked much better after his nerfs in the 1.02 patch. We are hoping to address a few lingering issues with his arrow and car gameplay before we let the dust settle for a bit.

• Air/Ground Neutral Attack:

* Fixed an issue where Gizmo would get multiple jumps in air while charging an arrow

~ Adjusted jump height during arrow charge to better match his normal jump heights.

• Ground Up Attack:

– Popcorn charge no longer affects arrow explosion damage/knockback

• Ground Side Special:

– Car speed reduced to 2350 from 3000

– Car health reduced to 5 hp from 8 hp

– Car is now automatically destroyed if left idle for 6 seconds

• Air Side Special:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames

• Air/Ground Up Special:

~ Increased attach radius to 575 units from 250 units; Gizmo should have an easier time snapping to his car or his allies without needing to precisely aim the attack

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Harley’s balance was mostly tackled in the 1.02 patch, we made some additional finer tuning based on feedback. We have adjusted Ground Up attack to feel more responsive and to allow Harley to pressure her opponents with follow ups. Both Harley’s neutral special Bat Doll and Stripe’s down special Dynamite have been adjusted so the item timer begins to tick down immediately once equipped to make these items have windows of counterplay.

• Ground Up Attack:

+ On-hit branch window advanced 6 frames

• Ground Down Attack:

+ Maximum movement from charge increased 5%

• Air Up Attack:

– On-hit branch window delayed 5 frames

– On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames

+ Knockback increased to 1250 from 1175

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

~ Explosion timer now begins while the bat doll is in Harley’s hands

~ Cooldown timer now begins while the bat doll is in Harley’s hands

~ Bat doll will only spawn an explosion hitbox if it explodes after being thrown by Harley

~ Bat doll is now considered an item while Harley has it equipped

+ Throwing the bat doll no longer consumes an air special

* Fixed an issue where bat doll would not attach to a fighter after colliding with certain projectiles or terrain

* Fixed an issue where bat doll could be equipped while Harley had an available bat doll to detonate

• Air/Ground Down Special:

~ Explosion now classified as a “projectile” hit, meaning it can proc projectile effects like the “That’s Flammable, Doc!” perk

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Passive:

~ Allies can no longer enter the pilot turret while Iron Giant is in a grabbed state

* Fixed an issue where Iron Giant could still use rage mode attacks while polymorphed

• Ground Side Attack:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 6 frames

• Air Side Attack:

– Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for Iron Giant to hit enemies behind him

• Air Neutral Attack:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 6 frames

• Air/Ground Up Special:

~ Attack now transitions to final hit after successfully damaging an enemy

+ Upper body is now projectile intangible while Iron Giant is spinning

* Fixed a bug that would allow this attack to hit 5 times on occasion instead of the intended max of 3 hits

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Jake has been having a rough time since our official launch. With these changes we’re looking to make him feel more like an aerial bruiser and less like a bite-spammer.

• General:

* Fixed an issue where Jake could not hold special inputs using the right stick

• Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Start-up window before charge reduced 6 frames. Start-up window after charge reduced 4 frames.

• Air Side Attack:

+ Hitbox size increased to better match visuals

+ Hitbox active duration increased 3 frames

• Air Neutral Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 2 frames

• Air Down Attack:

+ More aerial momentum is maintained on attack start-up

• Air Up Attack 1:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 3 frames

• Ground/Air Neutral Special:

~ Now applies incapacitate-resistance buff to incapacitated enemies

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• General:

~ Machete hitboxes on several attacks now better match attack visuals

• Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 2 frames

• Ground Side Attack 1:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 1 frame

• Ground Up Attack:

* Fixed an issue where the first hit would not properly vacuum into the second hit under certain circumstances

• Air Neutral Attack:

+ Start-up window reduced 3 frames

– On-whiff branch window delayed 5 frames

• Air Down Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 1 frame; will now hit higher up on Jason

+ Hitbox added to Jason’s head

• Ground Down Special:

~ Removed sleeping bag’s properties as a projectile attack; it should no longer interact with Marvin bubble or Rick portal

* Fixed an issue where Jason could grab certain boss enemies in Rifts

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• General:

– Ground side dodge distance reduced 10%

• Ground Side Attack 1:

~ Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for The Joker to hit enemies behind him

– On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

• Air/Ground Neutral Attack:

~ Diamond card now properly comes to a stop after colliding with terrain

• Air Up Attack:

– Now applies repeat-move lockout for 8 frames

– On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

• Air Side Special:

– On-hit branch window delayed 10 frames

• Air/Ground Up Special:

* Fixed an issue where riding the balloon would immediately ringout the rider

• Air Down Special:

– Repeat-move lockout increased to 15 frames from 8 frames

Joker’s Wild Perk:

– Knockback scaling reduced to 21 from 27

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Dash Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 6 frames

+ No longer prevents terrain bounce on knockback

• Ground Dash Attack (No Basketball):

+ No longer prevents terrain bounce on knockback

• Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up after charge advanced 10 frames

~ Maximum charge time increased

– Required charge amount for armor increased 4 frames

• Ground Side Attack 1:

* Fixed an issue where dodge attack momentum was not properly conserved

• Ground Down Attack:

+ First hit damage increased to 9 from 7

+ First hit knockback increased to 1825 from 1650

+ Second hit knockback increased to 1750 from 1650

+ First hit knockback scaling increased to 16 from 14

~ Knockback made more vertical

• Air Neutral Attack:

+ First hit more reliably combos into second hit

– Repeat-move lockout increased to 15 frames from 8 frames

• Air Side Attack:

+ Hitbox start-up time advanced 4 frames

+ Knockback scaling increased to 19 from 15

• Air/Ground Side Special:

+ Start-up on hitting ground increased 6 frames

+ Hitbox size increased

• Air Down Special (No Basketball):

+ Now allows ground movement while holding the special button

– Max horizontal speed reduced

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Air/Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Bubbled projectiles now have a minimum additional lifetime of 5 seconds, to prevent projectiles breaking immediately after being trapped

* Fixed an issue where the bubble would get unnecessarily large after trapping certain projectiles

* Fixed an issue where certain projectiles would not be properly trapped

• Ground Side Attack:

– Projectile lifetime reduced to 2.75 seconds from 4.25 seconds

• Air/Ground Down Special:

* Fixed an issue where the flag would fall through the platform on which it was placed

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• General:

* Fixed his drive animation facing the wrong way

• Ground Side Attack 3:

+ Uncharged hitbox start-up time reduced; allows easier combos from Side Attack 2 into Side Attack 3

• Air Side Attack 2:

– Hitbox active duration reduced to prevent Morty from hitting behind himself

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

– Grenade are now properly blocked by projectile-blocking effects

• Ground Side Special:

~ Splitting a grenade properly spawns two grenades moving in opposite directions

– On-whiff branch window delayed 10 frames

* Fixed an issue where the on-hit branch window was not being acknowledged; attack can now branch much sooner on-hit

• “I’m More Than Just A Hammer” Perk:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 15 frames

– Horizontal movement reduced

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground/Air Neutral Attack:

+ Uncharged damage increased to 4.5 from 4.0

+ Uncharged knockback increased to 1250 from 1200

+ Uncharged knockback scaling increased to 26 from 24

• Air Up Special:

+ Reindog now flies more horizontally when thrown sideways by an ally

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

– No longer damages invulnerable enemies

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• “Bit Of A Stickler Meeseeks” Signature Perk Returns!:

Perk effect: “Rick’s Meeseeks deal extra damage to fighters that are already in hitstun.”

• Ground Side Attack 1:

– Hitbox active duration reduced 1 frame

• Air/Ground Side Special:

* Addressed several issues with portals where fighters could be trapped indefinitely or teleported off-screen without ringing out. Rick now takes priority traversing through portals if he attempts to spawn a second portal while another fighter is entering the first portal.

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Up Attack:

– Hitstun reduced

• Ground Down Special:

+ Sandwiches no longer collide with the bottom of fall-through platforms

• Air Up Special:

– Damage reduced to 9 from 10; ground up special unchanged

– Knockback reduced to 1400 from 1500; ground up special unchanged

~ Knockback made more horizontal

• Hangry Man Perk:

– Charge duration while holding a sandwich extended

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Steven’s long range and low whiff-recovery has made him feel incredibly oppressive in close fights. His low whiff-recovery combos pair particularly well with his bubble shield passive making it very difficult to punish Steven when he makes a mistake. These changes target his range and whiff-recovery to bring him more in-line with the rest of the cast.

• General:

* Fixed an issue where Steven’s enemies could stack rose debuff on themselves by hitting each other

* Fixed an issue where dodge attack momentum was not properly conserved on grounded attacks

• Passive:

– Neutral dodge shield start-up increased to 20 frames from 8 frames; this adds a vulnerable window after a neutral dodge before shield begins

– Directional dodge shield start-up increased to 10 frames from 4 frames

– Bubble shield ammo cooldown increased to 13 seconds from 5 seconds

• Ground Up Attack:

– Charge knockback multiplier reduced

~ Hitbox size adjusted so it is less likely for Steven to hit enemies behind him

• Air Neutral Attack:

~ Attack no longer classified as a “projectile” hit, meaning it can no longer proc projectile effects like the “That’s Flammable, Doc!” perk

– On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames

• Air Down Attack:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 8 frames

– Hitbox start-up delayed 1 frame

– Repeat-move lockout increased to 16 frames from 8 frames

• Air/Ground Side Special:

~ Spawned shield no longer counts as “solid ground” for beginning up special cooldown

• Air/Ground Up Special:

– Now takes damage on fighter terrain bounce and will break after 3 bounces; behavior matches side special shield

• Ground Down Special:

* Fixed an issue where the animation would not cancel if Steven became airborne during the attack

• Air Down Special:

– Hitbox size reduced once Steven has landed on the ground

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• General:

* Fixed an issue where Stripe’s hurtboxes would be misaligned during dodge animations

• Air/Ground Down Special:

~ Now begins a 5-second explosion timer once equipped

* Fixed an issue where the dynamite would not visually appear in Stripe’s hands if the equip animation was interrupted

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• “Flaming Re-Entry” Signature Perk Returns!:

Perk effect: “Superman’s leap attack is stronger and ignites enemies. The landing from the attack leaves a firewall on the ground.”

• Ground Up Attack:

– Hitstun reduced

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

– No longer infuses projectiles with ice above 6 stacks

• Air Side Special:

* Fixed an issue where Superman would drop a fighter if the button was released too early

* Fixed an issue where grabbed fighters could get stuck to Superman if he grabbed a wall

• Air Up Special

– On-whiff branch window delayed 4 frames

• Air/Ground Down Special:

* Fixed an issue where Superman would float away while attacking certain conditions

• “Break The Ice” Perk:

* Fixed an issue where bonus damage was not being applied to frozen enemies

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• Ground Dash Attack:

+ First hit more reliably combos into second hit

• Ground Side Attack 1:

* Fixed an issue preventing Taz from doing actions other than side attack after jab 1

• Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Damage from charge increased

+ Uncharged knockback increased to 1450 from 1200

+ Uncharged knockback scaling increased to 20 from 12.5

– Hitstun reduced slightly

~ Knockback made more vertical

– On-hit branch window delayed 7 frames

• Ground Up Attack:

~ First hit prevents terrain bounce on knockback; final hit unchanged

• Air Neutral Attack:

– Charge damage multiplier reduced; maximum damage after both hits reduced to 19 from 29

• Air Side Attack:

+ Hitbox size increased 20%

• Air Down Attack:

+ Second hit damage increased to 8 from 4

+ Second hit knockback increased to 1250 from 440

+ Second hit knockback scaling increased to 22 from 17

• Ground/Air Neutral Special:

~ Now applies incapacitate-resistance buff to incapacitated enemies

* Fixed an issue where Taz could get stuck in an eat loop indefinitely until he was hit

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

• General:

+ Jump 1 speed increased

+ Jump 2 speed and height increased

• Passive:

* Fixed a visual arrow indicator meant to show Jerry’s location when Jerry is off-screen

• Air/Ground Up Special:

* Fixed an issue where Jerry cooldown would not start if Jerry died while attached to a rocket

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

These are the changes we were referring to after our Velma changes in the 1.02 patch. We hope to address some of the worst bugs impacting Velma players and also give her some strength in her zoning tools.

• General:

* Fixed an issue where Velma could get stuck to any fighter that grabbed Velma under certain conditions

• Passive:

* Fixed an issue where evidence would stop randomly spawning on the map after Velma was rung out.

• Ground Side Attack 1:

+ On-whiff branch window advanced 4 frames

• Ground Side Attack 2:

+ On-whiff branch window advanced 4 frames

• Ground Up Attack:

+ Velma can now hold forward to slide forward during attack start-up

• Air/Ground Neutral Attack:

+ Velma can now aim the megaphone

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

~ Branch windows now standardized for both air and ground versions

~ “Heyyy” projectile hurtbox size increased to match hitbox size. Should address issues with inconsistent projectile interactions.

+ All speech bubble types no longer collide with fall-through platforms

• Ground Side Special:

+ Minimum charge run speed increased

– Knockback reduced to 2300 from 2500

+ Knockback scaling increased to 9 from 0

* Fixed an issue where Velma could run off the screen if the ground was destroyed beneath her while running

• Air Side Special:

~ Now ignores player collisions during movement

• Air Up Special:

+ Now has a chance to spawn evidence

• Ground Down Special (Mystery Machine):

* Fixed an issue where Velma could fall to her death if the ground was destroyed beneath her while summoning the Mystery Machine

MultiVersus version 1.05 mid-season patch notes

Wonder Woman has been feeling a little strong since the official launch. We want her to keep her identify as the easy-to-pickup, armor tank, but in that vein we don’t think she should be able to score ringouts easier than the rest of the cast. These changes should make her feel a little easier to play against while slightly toning down her KO power.

• Passive:

~ Blocking a projectile will only charge Wonder Woman’s passive if the projectile has an active hitbox. This will fix issues where Wonder Woman could gain a full passive charge from projectiles like Jerry or Bugs’ Safe

• Ground Up Attack:

– On-hit branch window delayed 3 frames

• Ground Down Attack:

– Additional damage from passive charge reduced

– Additional knockback from passive charge reduced

– Self-applied armor now falls off after the hitbox ends; ally armor unchanged.

• Air Side Attack:

– On-whiff branch window delayed 2 frames

– Damage reduced to 9 from 11

– Knockback scaling reduced to 19 from 20.5

+ Knockback increased to 1350 from 1250. Base knockback was increased to account for the lower knockback from the reduced damage.

• Air Down Attack:

~ Reduced duration visually in attack pose; branch windows and hitbox timing unchanged

• Air/Ground Neutral Special:

* Fixed an issue where lasso could sometimes be reflected; lasso is not reflectable

• Ground Side Special:

– Self-applied armor now falls off after the initial dash; ally armor unchanged

– Repeat-move lockout increased to 18 frames from 8 frames

* Fixed an issue where the self-imposed slow while holding the shield could be cleansed

• Ground Up Special:

– Hitbox start-up delayed 2 frames

• Air Up Special:

– Knockback angle made more diagonal; ground up special knockback unchanged

– Hitbox start-up delayed 2 frames

~ Updated movement after launch to prevent Wonder Woman from falling too quickly

• Air/Ground Down Special:

– Cooldown increased to 33 seconds from 28 seconds

• “Shield of Athena” Perk:

* Fixed an issue where Wonder Woman could block ally projectiles
