Thomas Abi Jr|24 November 2015|6:00am
Most times in life we complain, we procrastinate and blame others for our inability to do well. We are always looking for who to blame but the truth is, there is no time my friend. You must wake up from your slumber. You must thrive to be independent, you must aspire to achieve your aims and objectives in life. The year is gradually winding down, you must take that decision today. There is no problem without a solution. The only problem without a solution is death and that is because it is inevitable. As the year comes to an end you must not relent in achieving your laid down goals set for the year 2015. Do not be discouraged for no one cares for no one. Human beings are only looking for an opportunity to mock the other. You must have the driving force. You must believe, you must have faith and follow your dream in life.
Many a time we indulge in a business venture, and in the beginning it looks rough and even getting to the point of crumbling, my friend, never give up. Keep trying, keep pushing, keep working hard, keep believing until you make it big. The world wants to see your success and not how you struggled to achieve your aims and objectives in life.
In life you must have it at the back of your mind that human beings are envious, even your sister or brother is envious of you. You must not be discouraged by anyone. Once you nurture an idea and you believe it is going to yield fruits, brave up, pursue it until you hit the mile stone. Every man on earth watches for no one. They are very few persons who genuinely care about you.
Never you feel disappointed, failure is never an offense, it is just an opportunity to learn more. It is a chance for you to garner more experience. I remember when I was in the University, I failed Chemistry in my first year, the thought of having a carryover made me very angry. I buckled up, I worked hard, I said to myself, If I didn't take my academics seriously I might end up having an extra year in my final year. And so I put in my best in my studies. I wouldn't have taken my academics seriously if I hadn't failed. So failure is not a curse it is just a driving force that propels you to work hard in order to achieve remarkable success in life.
Dear friend, you must not allow your problems bring you down. Many a time we have allowed our worries to affect us both physically and psychologically, we have given in so much into our problems in such a way that it affects our mental well being and the people around us are disturbed because of how we look. No! My friend, your problems shouldn't kill your driving force, challenges should be a source of inspiration. It should energize us and inspire us on how to rise up against our problems.
My friend, as the year ends, you must thrive to achieve your set goals. There is no difference between the first day of the year and the last day of the year. All the days are equal and have the same importance.
You must begin to plan for the long term and not recycling on the short term. Many a time, I have seen many wealthy men and women becoming very broke. That is because they remained in a world of fantasy. They centered on the short term, buying choice cars, sleeping in luxurious hotels and changing creamy women. No! That is not the way forward. The way forward is carefully planning for the long term and trying to achieve them in record time.
Time waits for no man. The world is waiting to celebrate you. Humanity is waiting to tap from your God giving talent. The world needs you. Nigeria needs you. The society needs you to fight against poverty, unemployment and injustice. Stop delaying and begin to act.
Make that decision today!
Prince Thomas Abi Jr.
Is a Public Affairs Analyst/Social Commentator