Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion just can’t seem to catch a break in his fight against… Snoopy the Dog?

Mortal Kombat's Scorpion just can't seem to catch a break in his fight against... Snoopy the Dog?

Scorpion from the Mortal Kombat series has had a pretty rough time in D.M. Galloway’s stop motion videos. He’s fought against unlikely opponents such as Michael Jackson and SpongeBob SquarePants.

Unfortunately for Scorpion, these videos always seem to feature him losing in the most brutal fashion possible. Could this change in D.M. Galloway’s latest video that has Scorpion going up against… Snoopy the Dog?

Needless to say, the Mortal Kombat rep is shown to have difficulties landing hits against Snoopy due to his short stature and cartoony characteristics. Despite being a small opponent, this beagle’s bites and other attacks pack a lot of punch.

It also doesn’t help that Snoopy is getting assists from Woodstock, Charlie Brown, and Linus Van Pelt. Indeed, Scorpion continues the trend of being the whipping boy of D.M. Galloway’s clips.

Eventually, Snoopy is able to manifest his imagination to turn his doghouse into a fighter jet. Scorpion tries to evade the incoming barrage of bullets, but Snoopy proves to be an ace pilot.

At long last, Charlie Brown is able to demonstrate what would happen to a football without Lucy pulling it away at the last second as he tries to kick it. This time, however, Scorpion’s head serves as the football.

Check it all out below:
