Omni-Man has just seen his early access release today in Mortal Kombat 1. The Invincible series villain is now available for select players, and those who have the ability to play him are already diving right in to see what he has to offer in the world of Mortal Kombat.
It’s natural for developers to slip other improvements and changes into their game when a DLC character is first launched, and it seems NetherRealm Studios has done quite a bit of that this time. One of the most interesting and easy to spot changes to the game can be found on the character select screen, which has been updated to feature a quick look at all of the DLC fighters scheduled to be added to the game in the Kombat Pack.
Those who boot up Mortal Kombat 1 today will be greeted with an update that comes in at around 12 GB. Naturally, this patch is meant to bring Omni-Man into the game, but surprisingly, NetherRealm Studios has also added a big update to the game’s character select screen too.
When you hop in to select your main fighter, you’ll see Omni-Man on the far right in the top row sitting beside Geras. From the looks of it, four of the upcoming DLC characters have been added to the right-hand side of the screen, while the other two had their slots placed on the far left.
To the right of Omni-Man we find Peacemaker’s portrait, and below them are Quan-Chi and Homelander as well. The two remaining characters, Ermac and Takeda, populate the left side of the screen.
With this new arrangement, there are now three sections of characters that seem to balance out nicely. The left section and the right section both have 10 character slots each, while the middle section has 9 character slots and the random select slot making up 30 in total (29 main roster characters).
In addition to the main roster fighters, the first DLC Kameo Fighter is also visible on the character select screen now. Tremor can be seen, but not selected, though the remaining DLC Kameos are still silhouettes at this time.
Mortal Kombat 1’s first batch of DLC Kameo Fighters consists of Tremor (who is set for launch on November 20), Mavado, Janet Cage, Ferra, and Khameleon.
Though we can see the portraits of the upcoming main roster DLC characters on the fighter select screen now, unfortunately, we are unable to hover over them and see their in-game models. Still, this little glimpse at what’s to come is definitely cool and worth checking out.
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Omni-Man is available now via early access in Mortal Kombat 1. He will see his full widespread launch on November 16.