Mortal Kombat 1’s new Halloween-themed Fatality costs a whopping $10

Mortal Kombat 1's new Halloween-themed Fatality costs a whopping $10

There has been a bit of controversy surrounding the prices of additional content in the latest triple A fighting games in recent times. Street Fighter 6 has been under fire for the cost of costumes and colors, and recently released a crossover with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that allowed fans to buy special Ninja Turtle costumes for their avatar at the staggering cost of $15 per turtle.

Most recently, though, Warner Bros. Games and NetherRealm Studios have been the targets of a lot of backlash as Mortal Kombat 1’s DLC pricing has been a tough pill to swallow as well. The latest in this saga is the special Halloween-themed Fatality that has finally hit the in-game store today, which we have now learned will run you a whopping $10 USD.

The good news here is that if you are actually interested in picking up this Fatality, it is available in Mortal Kombat 1’s in-game store right now as a premium item. The bad news is, it will run you 1,200 Dragon Krystals and it does not appear that there is any way to unlock this finisher by playing the game.

To give the real world conversion, you can purchase bundles of Dragon Krystals with real money through the game’s store as well. The best bundle you can get that gives you enough currency to buy the Fatality is the one that nets you 1,250 Dragon Krystals at the cost of $9.99 USD.

Fans have been very vocal as of late when it comes to the pricing for additional content in the latest fighting games. With a price tag for the standard edition of Mortal Kombat 1 being $70 and the Premium Edition running fans $109.99, it’s easy to see why having to shell out real money for most things outside of additional DLC characters has been met with resistance.

Many players have already expressed their distaste for having to buy new costumes and gear items, especially when some of the skins cost 800 to over 1,000 Dragon Krystals per bundle. Now we’re seeing a new precedent that dictates a single Fatality can be sold for just about $10, and that does not appear to be sitting well with the masses.

At the time of writing this, we have already seen numerous posts on X bashing the move by Warner Bros. and NRS, saying that 1,200 Dragon Krystals is just too much for a single finisher.

Now, back in 2011’s Mortal Kombat 9, NetherRealm did sell Klassic Fatality packs. However, they came included with multiple finishers as well as several additional character skins.

Hate it or love it, the new Mortal Kombat 1 Halloween Fatality is a pricey ask. If you’d like to see what it looks like outside of the Nintendo Switch version, you can find new footage of it below.
