Mortal Kombat 1 server maintenance underway for Conan the Barbarian’s arrival and new update

Mortal Kombat 1 server maintenance underway for Conan the Barbarian’s arrival and new update

Mortal Kombat 1 server maintenance underway for Conan the Barbarian's arrival and new update

Although the Khaos Reigns expansion launched not that long ago in September, Mortal Kombat 1 is already about to receive its third new DLC character of the season very shortly.

NetherRealm Studios has kicked off a round of server maintenance for Mortal Kombat 1 to prepare the game for the arrival of Conan the Barbarian as well as a new update that’ll make more changes to the existing cast.

The server maintenance appears to already be underway, however, the developers never provided a specific time for when the period will start and end like they normally do.

Judging by previous DLC releases and notable updates, the maintenance is likely to last at least a few hours, but typically end around 8 a.m. PST or before 10 a.m. PST.

During this time, all online modes and functionality will remain unavailable including matchmaking, leaderboards, the in-game store and rewards.

Conan himself is obviously the biggest addition of the incoming patch, and he’s bringing some other new toys with him too.

Characters like Reiko, Kitana, and Raiden will be receiving some brand new moves to add to their arsenals and open the door to new combo possibilities.

Like was the case after Ghostface’s release, the next Invasions season will be a repeat of the second one ever to come to MK1, though, it’ll feature some new rewards for Nitara and other characters this time around.

Players can probably expect some new gear and costumes to pop up in the shop as well, which we’ll have to wait and see more on.

Stay tuned for more updates and coverage on Conan and the patch notes once they become available.

Source: Event Hubs