NetherRealm Studios recently released a hotfix for Mortal Kombat 1. Patch notes have also been dropped that detail some changes with this latest hotfix.
It turns out that the Mavado Kameo might be just a little too strong. This latest hotfix is mostly focused on applying some minor nerfs to Mavado.
Best Feet Forward, Nindrop, and Sliding Home all now deal 50 damage, down from 60. Additionally, Nindrop and Best Feet Forward now have increased combo scaling.
Just Dessert now also deals 60 damage, down from 70. Meanwhile, more combo scaling has been applied to Trap Drop.
Mavado is an interesting Kameo as he currently invokes the heftiest health penalty out of all the Kameo characters when selected. However, he makes up for this shortcoming due to the number of Ambush Assist actions that he has, meaning that he can be summoned without interrupting the point character’s actions.
Ultimately, this hotfix is making it a point to reduce Mavado’s overall damage, but he still retains his utility as the ultimate Ambush Assist Kameo. Check out all the patch notes below:
• Fixed rare issue that could cause General Shao to become unresponsive when having Mavado attack with Best Feet Forward during You’re Weak (Towards + Back Punch, Front Punch + Front Kick) with specific timing
• Best Feet Forward, Nindrop, & Sliding Home now do 50 damage (down from 60).
• Just Dessert now does 60 damage (down from 70).
• Slightly increased combo damage scaling after Nindrop & Best Feet Forward.
• Increased combo damage scaling after Trap Drop.
• Adjusted Trap Drop interaction with some projectile reflect moves.
• Fixed Nindrop & Best Feet Forward sometimes being able to be performed after the opponent has interrupted themselves during a combo with specific timing.