Mortal Kombat 1 August 21 patch applies both buffs and nerfs to Takeda Takahashi

Mortal Kombat 1 August 21 patch applies both buffs and nerfs to Takeda Takahashi

Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns is scheduled to drop September 24. We weren’t really expecting a patch to drop before then, but it’s been announced that some minor adjustments have been applied earlier today. These changes have effectively been applied via a hotfix, so no lengthy download will be necessary.

Some notable balance adjustments have been made to the latest DLC fighter to join the roster, Takeda Takahashi. Even if you don’t necessarily play Takeda, these changes are important to note considering how the properties of some of his high and low mix ups have changed.

First off, Takeda’s Enhanced Swift Stride has had its armor frames lengthened by 10 frames. This should make it work more consistently in situations where it would straight up lose before.

Shooting Stars and Air Falling Star now count as a low instead of a mid. On the other hand, Swift Stride Phase went from being an overhead to a mid.

Some balance tweaks have also been made to some of the Kameos. More specifically, Frost, Tremor, and Ferra now work a bit differently.

Perhaps the most notable change is how Ferra’s bonus life was nerfed from 450 to 350. Previously, Ferra was the Kameo that provided the most amount of bonus health, but now she has less than Jax with this change.

Check it all out below:

Mortal Kombat 1 August 21 patch applies both buffs and nerfs to Takeda Takahashi

• Increased active armor frames on Enhanced Swift Stride by 10

• Shooting Star & (Air) Falling Star now hit Low (was Mid)

• Swift Stride Phase now hits Mid (was Overhead)

Mortal Kombat 1 August 21 patch applies both buffs and nerfs to Takeda Takahashi

• Sightly reduced Main Fighter recovery after Snow Flakes Cancel

• Reduced recharge delay by 120 & slightly increased recharge rate after Snow Flakes and Frost now exits playfield 15 frames sooner

• Slightly increased recharge rate after Rolling Rock, Transmute Ground Pound, & Transmute Lava Burst

• Increased recharge rate after Ground Pound, Transmute Rock Punch, & Transmute Rolling Rock

• Increased recharge delay after Ground Pound by 30

• Reduced recharge delay after Transmute Rock Punch by 50, Transmute rolling rock by 60, Transmute Lava Burst & Transmute Crystal Wall Punch by 40, and Transmute Crystal Armor by 180

• Reduced Health to 350 (down from 450)

• Torr Stance: Slide! now has 5 less frames of blockstun
