More new Mai Street Fighter 6 gameplay footage surfaces as Maximilian and Sajam release their early impressions

More new Mai Street Fighter 6 gameplay footage surfaces as Maximilian and Sajam release their early impressions

More new Mai Street Fighter 6 gameplay footage surfaces as Maximilian and Sajam release their early impressions

More and more Mai Shiranui continues to surface as she is now less than two weeks away from being added to Street Fighter 6’s roster as DLC. Even Nintendo got in on the Mai action as they announced just yesterday that Fatal Fury 2 is now available to play via Nintendo Switch Online for those who have an active membership.

But on the Street Fighter 6 front, this week we saw new gameplay footage of Mai come out of Japan, which revealed things like her Game Faces and her full Critical Art. Today, more new gameplay has surfaced as some content creators, including Maximilian and Sajam, were granted the opportunity to try Mai out early and have since shared their early impressions.

Kicking off with Sajam’s thoughts, the avid commentator / content creator does a quick run through of Mai’s Game Faces, in case you missed them. Sajam notes that during the short preview he got of her, there was no training mode allowed, and you couldn’t fight against an empty controller, so everything that was discovered and filmed was against a CPU controlled opponent.

That having been said, Sajam was able to walk away with quite a bit of good information about the upcoming fighter.

Sajam reports that Mai in Street Fighter 6 feels like a combination of A.K.I. and Chun-Li. She has a projectile that she can follow in behind, good normals and walk speed, has crouching medium kick into Drive Rush, an invincible Overdrive reversal, and really good corner carry and juggles.

We also get a better look at Mai’s fan projectile in Street Fighter 6, which is a very interesting tool. When the regular version is thrown normally, the fan can actually be hit and stopped with a normal or a projectile.

Sajam explains that he was consistently hitting the CPU Mai’s fans out of the air with normals even when he wasn’t expecting them to be thrown.

When the button is held for this projectile, though, it acts more like a standard projectile and cannot be hit out of the air, and with the Overdrive version we see that it will actually bounce off of the opponent when blocked and fall back down on top of them for another hit that isn’t an overhead, but can create some very strong looking pressure situations and mix ups.

In Maximilian’s video, we get another look at 4k Mai gameplay footage in Street Fighter 6. From the jump, he mentions that he got about 30-40 minutes to play her, so while it’s impossible to come to concrete conclusions with that little amount of time, he does have some early thoughts.

“My first impressions of her are that she has a lot of sauce,” Max began. “It seems like they had a similar design template with what they had in mind for Terry, where it’s like [they gave] the character everything they had before — where it just feels like there’s so much stuff.”

Be sure to check out both videos for a lot of details on how Mai plays in Street Fighter 6.

Source: Event Hubs