Momochi pulls off the corner-to-corner Ed dream sequence during Street Fighter 6 tournament match

Momochi pulls off the corner-to-corner Ed dream sequence during Street Fighter 6 tournament match

Not too long ago, SNB|Momochi showcased a powerful combo for Ed that deals a ton of damage, builds a ton of meter back, and carries the opponent from one corner to the other. It’s been proven to work in an actual match, but is it actually a viable sequence during a tournament setting?

Earlier today during the 5th Topanga Championship, Momochi was actually presented with an opportunity to pull off the combo during a match up against BC|Tachikawa, who also happened to be playing as Ed but with Modern Controls. By this point in the set, Momochi was already up 2-0, but found himself down the next round and in the corner against Tachikawa.

Due to an unfortunate mistake by Tachikawa, Momochi managed to land a combo of jabs. From here, he was able to special cancel into Ed’s Overdrive Psycho Blitz. It was here where the fun began.

By cancelling into Ed’s level 2 super art, the Psycho Cannon, Ed was permitted to continue the juggle with moves that normally act as combo enders by bouncing the opponent against the slow travelling projectile.

Though this looks simple in practice, the timing to actually pull this off is actually fairly strict. You have to imagine that Momochi has practice this combo plenty of times for him to be comfortable enough to bring this out in a tournament.

Following the combo, Tachikawa ended up taking somewhere between 30-40% damage to his health bar. However, he was still in range for a mix up in the corner after it was all said and done.

Check it all out below:
