M. Bison just doesn’t know how to stay dead. He’ll apparently make his return to Street Fighter 6 on June 26. Sometime later, we’ll also get access to Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, and Elena via the Year 2 Character Pass.
From the perspective of the good guys of the Street Fighter universe, you’d have to imagine that everyone is getting a little tired of M. Bison returning. As such, there have been a number of memes that have surfaced from the FGC due to M. Bison’s announcement.
UltimaShadow recently highlighted how the element of M. Bison’s spare bodies has been one of the central plot points of the Street Fighter series for around 33 years now. No matter how many spare bodies get destroyed or freed from Shadaloo, he always seem to have more of them in reserves somewhere.
Within the clip, SpongeBob SquarePants takes on the role of Ryu while Squidward acts as M. Bison. This scene comes from the episode titled “Employee of the Month” of the SpongeBob SquarePants animated television series where SpongeBob is attempting to sabotage Squidward getting up early for work the next morning by destroying his alarm clock.
The first alarm clock that SpongeBob destroys has Cammy’s face on it. Cammy was formerly known as Killer Bee while she acted as an assassin for Shadaloo. However, M. Bison’s long term plan intended for Cammy to act as his replacement body once his Psycho Power became too much for his current body.
There are similar storylines for Decapre, Abel, Seth, Ed, Falke, Baba Mwalimu, Cypher, Dobermann, and more. Funnily enough, there are even implications that Shadaloo intended for M. Bison’s spirit to take residence in the bodies of a baby and a dolphin.
As pointed out by one of the commenters, only Cammy and Decapre of the dolls were known to be suitable bodies for M. Bison while the rest were never said to be outright intended for this purpose. Check it all out below:
33 Years of Spare Bison Bodies pic.twitter.com/qIOZlcD5m7
— UltimaShadow (2005) (@UltimaShadowX) June 15, 2024