Meet the #Dayinthelife TikTokin’ lawyers

Legal profession social media trend

Meet the #Dayinthelife TikTokin’ lawyers

Lawyers are embracing one of TikTok’s more informative trends.

Take a scroll through the popular social media app and you’re bound to come across posts titled ‘#dayinthelife’. Gardeners, teachers, software engineers and even TikTok’s own interns are using the popular hashtag to showcase what a typical day in their job looks like.

Now, trainee and junior lawyers have picked up on the movement and are giving followers a fist-hand insight into what corporate life looks like. So without further ado, here are five #dayinalife lawyers you should be following…

1. Ali Obeid (@aliobeid_1)

White & Case trainee Ali Obeid graduated from LSE with a political sciences degree before switching to law. He offers a detailed insight into the day-to-day tasks he performs as a first-seat trainee in capital markets, as well as advice for students in law school who are trying to land a TC!

@aliobeid_1 Some tasks I do! #traineelawyer #lawyer #lawtok #student #corporate ♬ original sound – Ali Obeid

2. Rebecca McNeil and Simrhan Khetani (@becsandthecity)

Best friends and Cambridge law graduates Rebecca McNeil and Simrhan Khetani share snippets of their lives working together as trainee solicitors at Akin Gump.

@becsandthecity someone teach me how to be good at darts pls #corporatelaw #london ♬ Au Revoir – Sweet After Tears

3. Lucy Cole (@bylucycole)

Magic Circle trainee Lucy Cole offers an insight into your average day at Clifford Chance, taking you both into the office and showing what WFH looks like at a Magic Circle firm! Cole studied law at Exeter and has recently given followers an insight into her second-seat experience in tech.

@bylucycole trainee lawyer life a pretty balanced one – I was preparing to move teams so mainly spent the day tidying up / handing over matters I had been working on. . #dayinlifevlog #traineelawyer #traineesolicitor #londonlawyer #corporatelife #corporategirl #womeninlaw #londongirl #magiccirclelawfirm #cliffordchance ♬ Vlog – Soft boy
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4. Megan Hulme (@itsallhearsay)

It’s All Hearsay legal blog founder Megan Hulme is a restructuring and insolvency litigation associate working at Mischon De Reya. She completed her training contract with Trowers & Hamlins last year, after graduating from the University of Lincoln with a law degree in 2017. Hulme also completed an MSc in law, business and management at the University of Law. Alongside day-in-the-life content, aspiring solicitors can find hints and tips to help improve their CV and training contract applications!

@itsallhearsay Gym, work, drinks REPEAT #JustJack #traineesolicitor #lawstudent #lawschool #laywer #paralegal #cityfirm #lawfirm ♬ Big And Chunky – Juanito T

5. Lorraine Chimbga (@lorrainechimbga)

Lorraine Chimbga offers a tech-focused insight into life on Clifford Chance’s lawtech training programme, IGNITE. After graduating UCL with a law degree, Chimbga went on to take a module in information technology at LSE in her final year, before securing an IGNITE training contract with CC.

@lorrainechimbga Day in the life of a Tech Trainee Solicitor at a Magic Circle Firm #techtok #legaltech #techlaw #techlawyers #traineesolicitor #magiccirclelawfirm ♬ Aesthetic Girl – Yusei

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