Iloke Egbe  CRS-MoI,
Information officer reporting from office of the Head of Service.

A congratulations award has been presented to the Head of Service Dr. Chris Ekeng Ita by Medical Women’s Association of Nigeria Cross River State Branch. Making the presentation in his office, new Secretariat, Calabar. The President of the Association Dr. Mrs. Bassey Nakanda said the Association deemed it necessary to present a symbol of congratulations to the Head of Service as his appointment was very historic in the Civil Service, being the first medical doctor to be appointed into such exalted office in the State. And that they were very happy and proud of his record of achievements.

Dr. Nakanda informed that the Association has been in existence for over 30 years and is made up of female medical doctors of all sub specialties of medicine practising in the State. According to Dr. Nakanda the goal of the Association is to expand the role of women in the achievement and maintenance of health throughout Cross River State in a bid to strengthened existing healthcare delivery while focusing on women, adolescents and children.

That their activities include preventive care through advocacy, screening and immunization against cervical breast cancer care and curative care via medical outreaches. She used the opportunity to appeal to the Head of Service to look into some of their challenges which include lack of vehicle to enable them have wider coverage of the State. Lack of permanent office accommodation. Lack of medical supplies like equipment. Better Rumination and retraining of their members under the employment of the State to enable them remain in the service.

In his response, the Head of Service Dr. Chris Ita used the opportunity to advised members of the Association not to be apolitical but strive to control the centre stage because if mediocre control the centre stage excellent people will be termed rebels. Dr. Ita charged them to be ambitious to enable them actualize their objectives. Adding that, he was very happy with the award presented to him. All the executives of the State Branch were in attendance during the visit to the Head of Service.