MDZ Jimmy analyzes CatCammy6’s character chart for Capcom Cup X qualification to objectively gauge Street Fighter 6’s meta

MDZ Jimmy analyzes CatCammy6's character chart for Capcom Cup X qualification to objectively gauge Street Fighter 6's meta

Not too long ago, CatCammy6 released a chart that gauges character performance based on Capcom Cup X qualification for Street Fighter 6. Of course, it should be noted that we already have a few World Warrior events taking place this weekend, so this chart is only up to date as of December 8, 2023.

MDZ Jimmy has released a video where he analyzes how the Street Fighter 6 meta has been shaping up based on this chart. There’s actually some interesting conclusions that we can arrive at with this sort of data.

As pointed out in the video, there’s only been one Cammy player qualified at the moment for Capcom Cup X. This could imply that Cammy is actually a fairly weak character in Street Fighter 6 at the moment.

However, the chart actually indicates that Cammy is the fifth best character in the current meta. This is due to the high volume of players that almost qualified for Capcom Cup X by falling short of first place at events, but were still able to make it into the top 8 and even the top 4 portions of brackets.

Though more Luke users have qualified for Capcom Cup X than any other combatant at the moment, Ken could be perceived to be the stronger combatant due to the number of players that were almost able to qualify.

As highlighted by MDZ Jimmy in his video, Rashid is a particularly interesting fighter since he’s performing decently in the chart despite being released as a DLC fighter in the middle of the season. The other DLC fighter, A.K.I., is not doing quite as well by comparison.

Check it all out below:

World Warrior Character Stats SF6 image #1

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