Maximilian challenged Diaphone to take on Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond’s boss that only 3 people have beaten so far

Maximilian challenged Diaphone to take on Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond's boss that only 3 people have beaten so far

The new Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond PC mod is officially in the hands of the masses now. This free mod for the Steam version of Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite adds a slew of new goodies, including an overhauled visuals style, balance changes, and much more.

One thing Beyond also made changes to is MvCI’s final boss, Ultron Omega, who the head of this project Maximilian Dood believes is now one of the most difficult fighting game bosses ever made. Max recently issued a personal challenge to content creator Diaphone to see if he could actually defeat this boss, and Diaphone happily accepted the challenge. Here’s how it went down.

The challenge here consists of a couple of key components that make it extra difficult. For starters, Max prompted Diaphone to play arcade mode using one of Beyond’s new modes that sees the player control both of their team’s characters on screen at once while fighting teams of CPU opponents that are also both on the screen and fighting at the same time.

This adds a bit of chaos to an already fast-paced, crazy game, and when it comes to the big boss, it makes managing your fighters and knowing how and when to strike all the more difficult.

In addition to this, it appears that Ultron Omega is just a tougher boss in general, especially on the hardest difficulty. The challenge asks Diaphone to beat Ultron Omega in arcade mode with the two-fighter mode activated on the hardest difficulty, and at the time the challenge was issued only three other people were on record for having conquered this nearly impossible feat.

But as Diaphone says himself, he’s built different, and so he takes on this crazy challenge in one of his latest YouTube videos. We won’t spoil anything for you, but be sure to check out how Diaphone does in this incredibly difficult fighting game boss battle and how he goes about picking a team best suited for the mission in the video below.
