Mass Baptism and Wedding service in Tanzania

Morogoro, Morogoro Region, Tanzania, April 22, 2024

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More than twelve dozen people were baptized into Christ in the Holy Orthodox Church in Tanzania this weekend.

At the Church of Sts. Arsenios and Paisios in Morogoro, 132 people received holy illumination at the hands of Metropolitan Dimitrios of Irinoupolis of the Patriarchate of Alexandria yesterday on the Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt.

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The converts included dozens of former Muslims. Following the Baptisms and Chrismations, 17 couples were united in Holy Matrimony, reports Romfea.

The report notes that converts have been received in Tanzania on the Sunday of St. Mary for 20 years now 60,000 converts have been received by Met. Dimitrios.

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The newly illumined underwent systematic catechism by Archimandrite Eleftherio Balakos.

A celebratory meal was offered by the Friends of the Mission of Tanzania from Thessaloniki.

Mass Baptism and Wedding service in TanzaniaDozens baptized in Kenya and TanzaniaThe newly illumined were prepared by a three-month catechism.

“>In January, 60 Tanzanians were baptized in two services by clergy of the Russian Church’s African Exarchate.

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