Marriage is only for well behaved women willing to submit

Argue with your ancestors. From the days of Solomon female and male roles had been defined by society and science. Biologically females are the weaker sex due to less testosterone, periods and its complications, lots of puberty changes and with it emotional vulnerability, the real feminine challenge of child bearing etc etc. So naturally history and common sense then dictated that men should toil and women should rest. This naturally created a dominant and recessive gender role. Society changing does not erase history, culture and norms. When a child says they want to quickly become an adult the parents will be laughing at them. If only you knew that it’s easier being a child. Same ideology. Except as time went dominance became misused and authoritative it created a natural response which some might term today’s feminism. Nature intended for the recessive gene to be loved and cherished and catered for. For one to work the other must work. It doesn’t need to be said if you love, pamper and cherish your wife she will make you feel like a king. Its not simping. Its love. So does feminism have a place of importance in the world of today. I think the answer is obvious. The world is no longer the nice ideal and nurturing place for women who are naturally more vulnerable. It’s just a natural response. So which side is right. That is left to an individual opinion. But I believe most women still have the instint of being nurturing and therefore expect also to be nurtured and not taken advantage of. If you ask me we men spoilt the privilege of dominance and submissive response to a more appropriate one with the times. If you want a submissive wife do your part and do it well.

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