Marisa’s combo damage is over 9000 in this brutal Street Fighter 6 sequence

Marisa's combo damage is over 9000 in this brutal Street Fighter 6 sequence

Marisa is one of the hardest hitting characters in Street Fighter 6. This certainly makes sense considering that she’s a big-bodied bruiser type of fighter.

Armin recently posted a clip that showcases how Marisa can deal 9,003 points of damage with a single combo, or 8,253 depending on how you see it. Either way, this is an insane amount of damage considering that the average character in Street Fighter 6 has 10,000 stamina.

This combo uses a concept that was recently seen during Javits’ record-breaking Ryu combo. The idea is that a character trades an extremely powerful attack with Dhalsim’s Overdrive Yoga Arch to continue the combo with moves that are normally combo enders.

Before the combo truly starts, Marisa begins by hitting Dhlasim during his Drive Impact. Due to the armor properties of this technique, a portion of Dhalsim’s life is converted into white life. This is why the combo counter says 8,253 damage instead of 9,003 damage even though it’s not possible for Dhalsim to block in time after absorbing the first hit with Drive Impact.

To truly start the combo, Marisa uses a fully charged Gladius that trades with Dhalsim’s projectile. As expected, the entire sequence ends with Marisa’s Critical Art.

While this combo isn’t exactly practical, it certainly is flashy. Check it out in the clip below:
