Man po!sons wife’s Coke with drugs to k!ll her and marry her daughter who was in on the plot

Man po!sons wife?s Coke with drugs to k!ll her and marry her daughter who was in on the plot

A man admitted to po!soning his wife’s Coca-Cola drink with drugs, including cocaine and MDMA, with the aim of k!lling her and marrying her daughter.


Alfred W Ruf, 71, has pleaded guilty to spiking his wife’s beverages at least a dozen times in 2021, state court documents obtained by WXIN.


Ruf’s wife reached out to cops in January 2022 after Ruf admitted to attempting to po!son her to de@th.


The wife said she had been to the hospital a half dozen times in a matter of weeks after experiencing headaches, diarrhoea and drowsiness, among other symptoms.


She tested positive for a few drugs she did not knowingly consume herself, including cocaine, MDMA and benzodiazepines.


Responding Richmond police officers reportedly heard Ruf say that he added an “unknown substance” to his wife’s drink that her own daughter had given to him.


The wife turned over to cops a pill bottle that was filled with an off-white coloured powder, as well as a Coke can with a similar residue.


Ruf then admitted that he tried to k!ll his wife in order to marry her daughter. He said the substance made his wife sleep for about 13 hours straight.


“He stated that he would do this to eventually kill her,” stated the court documents.


Ruf claimed that the daughter and a friend told him to put the powder into his wife’s Coke can and wait for her to doze off, and that the pair would then go to his Indiana home to “put on a show”.


He added that he had s£xual intercourse with one of the women while the other woman stole his wife’s possessions. Ruf said he paid the women for the s£x acts.


The daughter told Ruf to “get mom out of the picture” and cash in on her insurance policy, he claimed. Ruf said that the daughter planned to tie the knot with him after they “took care of” his wife


Ruf reportedly confessed to what he did to his wife “because he felt bad”.


But the wife told authorities that Ruf admitted he was “drugging” her in order to engage in sexual activities with the daughter and her friend.


Ruf on Monday, August 26, pled guilty in Wayne County Court to aggravated battery posing a risk of de@th. He had a charge of conspiracy to commit m*rder dismissed.


Ruf has been sentenced to fouryears behind bars, as well as five years of probation.

