Major Season 2 balance update trailer released for Street Fighter 6

Major Season 2 balance update trailer released for Street Fighter 6

It’s been almost one year since Street Fighter 6 first hit the scene, and things in the game are going to start looking a bit different here very soon.

Capcom just released a trailer showcasing the major balance update coming to SF6 later this month.

The first thing put on display is the new recovery Drive Reversal option that was previously confirmed, which gives every character a new wakeup tool.

It’s shown in the video beating out grabs, Marisa’s armor, aerial attacks, the Blanka-chan doll, and Ed’s Super, so Drive Reversal seems like it may end up quite a bit more useful than it is currently.

The trailer then moves on to character-specific changes beginning with Ryu, who appears to have a new Denjin Charge cancel after a target combo alongside the ability to choose between using his enhanced or regular Hadoken while he’s powered up.

Luke has a buff to let him combo heavy punch into charged light Flash Knuckle without needing a counter or Drive Rush to pull off.

Kimberly will be able to cancel her Overdrive Bushin Senpukyaku into her aerial level 2 Super.

Chun-Li has a new option to combo into back heavy punch after a Drive Rush back medium punch for a launch.

Manon’s back heavy punch now connects with the OD Renversé kick follow-up.

Zangief’s crouch heavy punch causes a ground bounce on Punish Counter, which is shown here comboing into his level 2 Super.

JP can cancel the first hit of his OD fireball into his level 2 Super.

A.K.I.’s light Serpent Lash puts the opponent in a stun state on Punish Counter that can be followed up with Drive Rush combos.

Rashid can connect his grounded slide into level 3 Super.

It appears Dhalsim can combo into crouch medium punch after heavy kick Drive Rush cancel and perhaps has some improved range to land his level 3 Super.

Ken is able to combo his crouch medium kick into running Shoryuken.

Dee Jay’s level 1 Super appears to be safe on block / parry at max range.

Cammy can perform Drive Rush cancel out of her heavy punch, heavy kick target combo.

Lily is able to combo her light kick into crouch medium kick on counter for OD Wind Strike.

This balance patch is planned to drop alongside Akuma in just eight days on May 22.

You can check out the full trailer below to get a glimpse at what’s going to be different in Street Fighter 6 for its second year starting next week.

Story is developing…
