Mai Shiranui’s SNK stage appearing in the recent Street Fighter 6 trailer is one we haven’t seen for over 30 years

Mai Shiranui's SNK stage appearing in the recent Street Fighter 6 trailer is one we haven't seen for over 30 years

Mai Shiranui’s Street Fighter 6 teaser trailer recently revealed that the second SNK guest character is slated to release in early 2025. Through this teaser trailer, we got just a small glimpse of how player avatars will be able to interact with Mai in World Tour mode.

While this hasn’t been outright confirmed yet, Mai’s stage from SNK’s Fatal Fury 2 and Fatal Fury special may also be releasing as new DLC content within Street Fighter 6 alongside the fighter. This stage is known as Aokigahara, or the Sea of Trees.

In Fatal Fury 2 and Fatal Fury Special, players fight on a raft as it drifts through the sea with the real-world forest Aokigahara (located in Honshu, Japan) in the background. During this, waterfalls, statues, shrines, and flags with Japanese symbols adorned on them can be observed.

Within the real world, Aokigahara is also known as “Suicide Forest” as it’s commonly the last stop for a lot of people. Of course, this likely won’t be referenced in Street Fighter 6.

During the trailer, a statue of a stone hand grasping an orb can be seen. This set piece has a presence on Mai Shiranui’s stage in Fatal Fury 2 and Fatal Fury Special, which were released in 1992 and 1993 respectively. In other words, it’s been over 30 years since we’ve seen this stage.

Assuming this isn’t just a location exclusive to World Tour mode, this means that Aokigahara will be the second SNK stage featured in Street Fighter 6, after Terry’s Pão Pão Café. With this in mind, the description for Street Fighter 6’s Year 2 Ultimate Pass suggests that Elena won’t be receiving her own home stage since the pass only comes with two stages.

Check it all out below:
