Mai Shiranui 4K match footage plus move list and gameplay details in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

Mai Shiranui 4K match footage plus move list and gameplay details in Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves

Although there’s a lot of excitement over the announcement that Street Fighter’s Chun-Li and Ken are coming to Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves, we currently have another fan-favorite fighter getting her time in the spotlight now too.

With Tokyo Game Show 2024 going down this weekend, the first high-quality match footage for Mai Shiranui in the Garou sequel is now available along with her full move list, which reveals some interesting details about her gameplay.

The likes of Rooflemonger, Neo Geo Now and Ruliweb each have their own videos for Mai’s new gameplay with the first two offering some breakdowns and information as to what she can do in action.

Mai retains basically everything you’d expect of her from The King of Fighters 15, but SNK is also giving the kunoichi some new abilities to use through the REV System as well as some other moves we haven’t seen in a very long time.

Things like her fire spin, fan toss, fire elbow, air drop knee and more are all returning with the latter now allows her to combo after (at least on counter hit) plus EX fans now being multiple projectiles.

On top of that, SNK brought back Hana Arashi, Mai’s spinning reversal attack that debuted in Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, but hasn’t been seen since The King of Fighters 98 Ultimate Match.

Similarly, her Sayo Chidori fan strike, a.k.a. Night Plover, from RB2 also returns, which briefly appears in the Ruliweb footage around the 2:10 mark.

As previously detailed, Mai seems to transform back into her classic red dress for her Hidden Gear animation though is not a full on alternate costume at this time.

Rooflemonger also points out some other interesting changes to the game overall like Wild Punishes are now displayed for big counter hits, which can allow you to get OTG follow-ups off of sweeps for example.

Moreover, there’s been changes made to the visuals to as Fatal Fury continues development with the latest demo showing a new win screen transition with the wolf logo.

Mai will be among the starting roster of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves when the game launches on April 24, 2025.

You can check out all of the new match footage and breakdowns for Mai below along with her full move list.

Mai Fatal Fury move list image #1

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