M. Bison will be getting access to new attacks with the return of Giant Attack in Street Fighter 6

M. Bison will be getting access to new attacks with the return of Giant Attack in Street Fighter 6

Back in May, Capcom revealed the “Giant Attack” event in Street Fighter 6’s Battle Hub. Through this event, players fought against a computer-controlled SiRN Akuma. This was a very difficult fight due to Akuma having access to extra attacks.

Of course, players are technically able to unlock Shin Akuma if they can fully complete their taunt animation, but this is completely impractical in a real match.

Capcom has recently revealed that Giant Attack will be making a return to Street Fighter 6 spanning from December 2 to December 16. With this upcoming event, players will fight against SiRN Bison.

Just like the relationship between SiRN Akuma and Shin Akuma, SiRN Bison will effectively act like Shin Bison in that he will have access to techniques that normally aren’t available to players.

As shown in the trailer, SiRN Bison will be able to teleport (which can be used defensively or offensively), explode Psycho Power around him as an invincible reversal, and perform Shin Bison’s super from the Alpha series.

Needless to say, this trailer is actually causing some fans to worry about M. Bison. In the short time that M. Bison has been released, he has ascended to a top tier position in Street Fighter 6’s meta.

However, M. Bison is not without weaknesses. Though he’s offensively a very powerful character, his intentional flaw of having bad defense does keep him in check somewhat.

The new moves being added to SiRN Bison will give the character access to new defensive maneuvers. It goes without saying that taking away M. Bison’s weaknesses would most certainly elevate the character’s position on tier lists to even higher heights.

Notably, Capcom has also recently announced a new balance patch coming to Street Fighter 6. This update won’t be as big as the Akuma update, but adjustments for every character will be included.

Fortunately, it’s unlikely that M. Bison will be buffed considering his impact on the tournament scene. Having said that, there’s a real possibility that Capcom might enable an Easter egg that gives M. Bison his Shin Bison toolkit, though it’ll likely be just as impractical as unlocking Shin Akuma.

Check out the trailer for the upcoming Giant Attack against SiRN Bison below:
