M. Bison may arrive much sooner than anticipated, especially since we’re getting a gameplay trailer for the character tomorrow at 8 a.m. Pacific Time.
Evo is just around the corner and with Bison’s Summer 2024 release date it’s possible we’ll see him released either before or right after the gigantic fighting game tournament.
M. Bison is shown attacking his Psycho Drive, apparently right after he was revived into yet another new body, pulling off a classic bad guy maneuver of destroying his surroundings once he’s brought back from the dead. He does this either via his Psycho Crusher attack or potentially the return of the Psycho Axe which made its debut in Street Fighter 5.
We also discuss how Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui may play, with the game officially adding SNK characters into the mix for the first time, with them being showcased in the Season 2 Street Fighter 6 DLC trailer.
It’s been a long running statement by many competitors in the Fighting Game Community that characters like C. Viper are far more in an SNK style than a traditional Capcom character — but now we have official SNK characters who are being thrown into the mix, so how they play in this new title could be quite compelling.
Then we discuss one of the more hated characters in the franchise, Elena, which is largely due to her ability to Heal herself and employ hit and run tactics with her long limbs, and how that may pan out in Street Fighter 6.
Hopefully her ability to Heal isn’t tied in any way to the Drive Gauge mechanic, although the developers have quite a bit of time to polish her before release, since she’s not scheduled to arrive until the Spring time of 2025.
Lastly, we get into the new art style used in this trailer and if it has any implications for a potential evolution of Street Fighter 6’s user interface or a new direction for the game’s graphics, which have been focused on a more realistic style this time around.