After taking a bit of an extended leave of absence, M. Bison is about to get back on the horse and ride his way back to where he belongs.
Capcom just dropped the official character guide video for Bison with all of his new moves and mechanics in Street Fighter 6 on display.
As was previously revealed, the dictator can now plant Psycho Mines on his opponent with the new Backfist Combo special that’ll detonate after a set period of time or when triggered by certain specials like itself or Psycho Crusher.
Specials that pop the mines will increase their damage and sometimes open new combo routes while also leaving him at advantage if triggered on a blocking opponent.
After being locked behind V-Trigger in Street Fighter 5, Psycho Crusher is back in full force with different speeds depending on the version and the guide specifically noting they’re good for combos.
The first part of Bison’s leaping special is now called Shadow Rise and can still lead into Devil Reverse and Head Press, and while only the Overdrive version of the jump tracks the opponent, he can also choose to spend meter on the on the second part of the attack too.
It’s not an invincible reversal, but OD Shadow Rise is at least invulnerable to throws until the jump.
His level 1 is Knee Press Nightmare and will serve as his cheapest reversal option while Bison’s level 2 Super sees the return of his Ultra 2 from Street Fighter 4 as well with Psycho Punisher, which is also invincible from the jump until it lands with adjustable range.
Finally, Unlimited Psycho Crusher serves as the revived dictator’s level 3 to finish off the opponent with overwhelming force.
Bison will serve as the initial addition of Season 2 DLC for SF6 followed by the first guest characters in the series’ history with Terry Bogard and Mai Shiranui before closing with Elena next year.
The developers have also of course been keen to discuss the villain’s return including how they want to focus on Bison’s martial arts prowess and that he’s using the same body from SF5.
You can check out the full guide to see what all Bison can do in Street Fighter 6 ahead of his June 26 release below.