Back in September 1993, Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers hit the arcades. The “new challengers” introduced in that game were Cammy, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, and Fei Long.
Throughout multiple iterations of Street Fighter 2 since then, Cammy was often regarded as the weakest overall fighter. However, it could be argued that she was also the most popular of the new challengers as she’s the only one that appeared all throughout Street Fighter 4, Street Fighter 5, and Street Fighter 6.
Back in Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers, Cammy was described as being a 19-year-old female special forces agent working for Delta Red. There was an air of mystery surrounding Cammy as it was also said that she had a past tied to M. Bison.
Of course, we wouldn’t actually get answers regarding this connection until Street Fighter Alpha 3. Though Cammy technically appeared as a hidden character in Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold before Street Fighter Alpha 3, her entire story during that game isn’t considered to be canon in terms of Street Fighter lore.
As it turned out, Cammy was originally created as a clone of M. Bison. She was intended to become M. Bison’s replacement body once M. Bison’s form deteriorated due to the effects of overusing Psycho Power.
Until that appointed time, Cammy acted as an assassin for Shadaloo under the alias of “Killer Bee.” Fortunately for Cammy, she ended up breaking free of this fate before joining up with Delta Red in an effort to oppose Shadaloo.
A very notable thing regarding Cammy is her fascination with wearing a thong leotard during battle. It’s said that her preference for thong leotards is due to the optimal flexibility, mobility, and speed that they provide.
This seems to be reflected in Cammy’s gameplay throughout the Street Fighter series as she typically has excellent attributes that emphasize speed, mobility, and frame data. While she started out as a weak character throughout multiple iterations of Street Fighter 2, Cammy is often seen a high tier or top tier in the later iterations of the Street Fighter series.
In addition to her thong leotard, Cammy is also generally known to wear a red beret, red socks, black boots, and red gauntlets. She can also have either green camouflaged paint plastered on her legs, gun straps wrapped around one of her thighs and leotard, or a combination of both.
Needless to say, there are a number of reasons why Cammy has the fanbase that she does. Indeed, she’s also become a popular target among cosplayers bold enough to portray her.
We recently took notice of Luciascenes’ Cammy cosplay. Check it out below: