LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty BeaconYour Host: Luca Majno

Welcome again to another show! I must say, I am geeting better and better with these Roman Numerals! My father loved working with them, as I do now, in his honor…

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

Thank you all again for reading and listening to the show, as I always put my heart and soul into each segment, and this episode is no different ~

After an opening rant and overview of the show, KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS starts us off, that’s right, for those of you who work with multi-language keyboards on your PC, it might be great to jot down!

THOMAS PAINE blesses us once again, as we embark on A Blessing and a Curse, which I love to share whenever I can…

And off we go to El Salvador, to what a Good Leader looks like, in my eyes, then to A.B. Vigano and why he was ex-communicated from the Vatican,

“And now everything unfolds, as the masks come off, and we reveal ourselves for who we truly are…

I can see this happening everywhere, and we will speak on this also… THE 56 SIGNERS of the Declaration of Independance… What ever happened to them? We recount, and how vicious the ‘atmosphere’ was back then…

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

LEVELSof knowledge is another topic I love to dwell on, for those that know me, and how we are each at a certain stage of development…

The Farmer’s Warning (not Almanac) is on the menu next, an absolutely ‘alarming‘ portrait of farms and farmlands in America, and what we are losing. Wow.

Please forgive us for the 20-30 second delay in the start of the clip… my apologies for that… Our producer was having issues…

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

The Nicest People… are next, and what (we) could be capable of if ‘pushed’ to our limits… One of the first times I speak on this on radio, BOUNDARIES are essential and yes, I am reminding myself of all of this, these shows are all like therapy for me, each week…

And I remind us all about how we ‘came into this world’ and how we ‘will leave it’… as I speak on HEALTH and Good Spirit, and what we are meant to be in our lives, as it is our CHOICE… the crazy ones!

On Fire with Ulfkotte is up next, someone I had not heard of before this week, another murdered journalist who ended up knowing too much about how the CIA works with MI5 and the media…

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

I also relate Ernst Zündel and his Teachings to all of this, and tie it all into Atrocity Propaganda, to finish the show!


LUCA’S WORLD ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings

(Click on image below to listen)

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon


And, as usual, I want to thank everyone for tagging along, reading and listening… and as I love to say,

We’ll see you next week, Creator Willing!”


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well. A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE … because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)


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Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE



LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty BeaconYour Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon

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LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon


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LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode XCVI (96) ~ More Un*Heeded Warnings | The Liberty Beacon


The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)


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