LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty BeaconYour Host: Luca Majno

*OSIYO* ~ Weli’eksitpuk! ~

“Welcome!”, in both the Cherokee and also the Mi’gmaq (MicMac) Languages! … A forerunner to what the shows will start with from now on, formally, thanks to our callers!

And I slowly get going, as my nervousness starts to subside, and it takes a while! But first,

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


Then, my Whining Keurig takes the stage! That’s right, and you’ll NEVER hear a coffee machine brewing anywhere else ~ as we then hear my DISCLAIMER for the show… and who it is dedicated to

And I am left wondering what happened to that ‘self-euthanizing‘ woman, “if Trump ever got in…” (good grief) ~ That and Drag Parades from Roku on TV … wow.

Why does GOD allow so much suffering in this world?” is a question that I ponder next.. for a very good reason…  as the Phrase Of The Day this week is about Sacrifice, and I explain…

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon

ACTION and REWARD is my next thought, along with good information on Sunglint or Sun Flare while driving and how I deal with it, and also having LAYERS (of clothing) on!!

But all in all, it seems that there will be a reoccurring pattern in this show: Those in power are TAKING ADVANTAGE of our IGNORANCE on so many levels, and I will visit this idea on the show this week in several areas.

The HEALTH SEGMENT is up next, one in which we start with my Black Peppercorn Story, not to be missed.

Then, Jonathan Otto tells us an alarming story from ‘medical school‘, ironically… as I then share info from the World Health Organization and what we are finding out recently, CHICKENS being CULLED, millions of them, by fake order of another PLANNEDemic?!?

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon

And please, ask me how I think this … border issue … could ‘EASILY’ be resolved

THE 5 WARRING WOMEN is next on my agenda, yes, the war machine and its ‘men’ at the helm… Wow, something I love to bring up every now and again… to make us THINK about those who blindly steal, and this is all we have ever done as a nation to others.

In my Native American part of the show this week, I speak on Russell Means, and we hear him address several issues of the Heart…

And the callers make the show, as usual, with amazing insights and information!

My clip that I prepared for this week also will have an impact, I hope, in remembering times past so that this may never be repeated.

I also tell what some feel, as I am asked about Leonard Peltier and his fate, such tragic stories!

The callers also end the show! What a ride!!

Now let’s jump into this week’s show!


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Responsibility – not Power

(Click on image below to listen)

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


And as I leave you, (you know the drill by now) I always say THANK YOU for reading and listening… “And we’ll see you next week, Creator Willing!’

Parting shot:

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


I really hope that you, the listener, will take heed, and check out as well. A lot of the information helping me to prepare these episodes rests on this site, our site, … MY SITE … because I am contributing to keep it going … Imagine, No censorship. (click on the link below the video to visit site)


Click Here to Visit the Site


Additional episodes of Luca’s World HERE



LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty BeaconYour Show Host: Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.

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LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon

TLBTalk – ShakeAndWake Radio – TLB Network – The Butcher Shop


LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


Stay tuned to …

LUCA’S WORLD ~ Episode CXIII (113) ~ Responsibility – not Power | The Liberty Beacon


The Liberty Beacon Project is now expanding at a near exponential rate, and for this we are grateful and excited! But we must also be practical. For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. We are now experiencing ever increasing growing pains due to the large number of websites and projects we represent. So we have just installed donation buttons on our websites and ask that you consider this when you visit them. Nothing is too small. We thank you for all your support and your considerations … (TLB)


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